前面说到,自1952年到1962年,杨振宁和李政道两人一起发表了23篇论文(不包括有第三者的论文),除了第一篇杨排第一,其他22篇全都是李排第一。很多人没有注意到,他们的第一篇和第二篇论文是在同一期Physical Review (1 August 1952, Volume 87, Issue 3)杂志上紧挨着发表的。也就是说,同一期杂志发表了他们的两篇论文,杨要求两人各在其中一篇排第一,这个要求我看一点也不过分。
同一期的杂志还有36篇两个或两个以上作者的论文,其中有16篇没有按作者姓氏首字母的顺序排列(这些作者都在同一单位)。可见在当时,在Physical Review上,不存在李政道所说的“按作者姓氏首字母的顺序排列”这一“国际惯例”,李政道因为杨振宁要求一篇论文的署名不遵守“国际惯例”,就对他心怀不满,真是一点道理也没有。
The Disintegration of Cs130
Alan B. Smith, Allan C. G. Mitchell, and Robert S. Caird
The Coherent Neutron Scattering Cross Sections of Nitrogen and Vanadium
S. W. Peterson and Henri A. Levy
The Disintegration of Ce144 and Pr144
Fred T. Porter and C. Sharp Cook
Slow Neutron Crystal Spectrometry: The Total Cross Sections of Co, Er, Hf, Ni58, Ni60, Ho, and Fission Sm
S. Bernstein, L. B. Borst, C. P. Stanford, T. E. Stephenson, and J. B. Dial
The Stopping Cross Section of D2O Ice
W. A. Wenzel and Ward Whaling
Gamma- and Alpha-Produced Scintillations in Cesium Fluoride
W. Van Sciver and R. Hofstadter
Half-Life of 139-Min Dy165
R. Sher, H. J. Kouts, and K. W. Downes
Mechanical Properties of Thin Films of Silver
J. W. Beams, W. E. Walker, and H. S. Morton, Jr.
Impurity Effects in the Thermal Conversion of Germanium
W. P. Slichter and E. D. Kolb
Gamma-Rays from Sc48
Bernard Hamermesh, Virginia Hummel, Leonard Goodman, and Donald Engelkemeir
Azimuthal Variation of Cosmic Radiation for Zenith Angle 40° at λ=19 N
B. Bhowmik and G. S. Bajwa
A Narrow Angle Pair of Particles Produced in Hydrogen
A. B. Weaver, Earl A. Long, and Marcel Schein
Angular Distributions of the Be9+D Neutrons
J. S. Pruitt, S. S. Hanna, and C. D. Swartz
Narrow Angle Pairs of Particles from Nuclear Interactions
J. J. Lord, Joseph Fainberg, D. M. Haskin, and Marcel Schein
Magnetic Shielding Effects in Compounds of Vanadium
H. E. Walchli and H. W. Morgan
Polymorphism of ND4D2PO4
Elizabeth A. Wood, Walter J. Merz, and Bernd T. Matthias