Only very few states allow that "trial by declaration" including CA


送交者: HHS 于 2010-05-26, 12:57:31:

回答: 请教超速罚单的事情 由 TGIF 于 2010-05-26, 12:46:33:

I think you should do the following things

(1) Read your ticket to see exact charge. Charge is made only some penal code secition number. Go to your statet's government site and check out exactly how that
charge is define and als o check out whteher it carries points or not in yoru driver record

(2) If there is no point and fine is bearable. I would suggest you just paid the fine and for this purpose check out the maximum penalty and if option to pay by mail exist.

(3) If the violation maenas points, you should go to court to contest it but look fo rplea bargain opportunity.



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