送交者: 量子猫 于 2010-05-29, 01:33:57:
1。Complete sequenced the genome (corresponding to a 147a 147-page book)
2。Complete metabolite map
3。Knockout 100 genes from genome (~500 genes)
4。Deliberately inserted four sequences of DNA that serve as watermarks so they could distinguish between the naturally occurring and synthetic bacteria
5。The watermarks contain a code that translates DNA into English letters with punctuation, allowing the scientists to literally write messages with the genes
6。The whole synthetic genome (582,970 bpbp) was ) stably grown as a yeast plasmid plasmid (YCp)
1 从山羊身上取出支原体细菌体,再将该细菌体的内部掏空,备用。
2 研究人员通过邮购目录购买DNA片段,随后用4个瓶子装上含此DNA片段不
3 含DNA片段不同序列的瓶装物质被放入酵母液中,使其重新组合形成人造DNA。
4 人造DNA被植入备用的支原体细菌体中,随后该细菌体会分裂成两个子细胞,一个含人造DNA,一个具有天然DNA。
5 向培养皿中加入抗生素,导致具有天然DNA的细胞被杀死,而含人造DNA的细胞得以存活。
6 支原体细菌体中的原有天然DNA被彻底清除,最终由人工DNA支撑其恢复生命机能,自此“人造细胞”得以生成。