送交者: PoohHunny2 于 2009-11-27, 13:07:48:
I am skeptical because all these articles are coming from what appears the same few sites. If you do a search on this stuff there are way, way, way many more articles than these sights that post a different view. PLUS, we all know Chinese government is not a reliable source of media.(Who knows what else they do to alter the media and we can onlyguess what the motives would be in this type of case) They censor everything and people have an extremely limited internet access. PLUS if you know or have had any conversation with Dr Xiao you would know he feels that they should be doing trials in different groups because there are so many variables. 85% is an average of all types and severity in SB and SCI. For one, there may be a 20% success rate, for another there may be 90%.
Now I still want to know, the adverse reactions stated in the article seem so far fetched. Can you explain how a nerve can degenerate in this way long after the surgery. It really does not seem to have any scientific merit if we really look at what we know about the nervous system. AND where EXACTLY does it state that Xiao never stated that there is a difference between SCI and SB patients. AND what makes anyone think there is no difference in results of a surgery done by someone just learning a procedure and someone who has done it almost 2,000 times.
Listen, bottom line is, and I really haven't heard a response to this point in particular, There is no way there would be any clinical trials in the US if the types of adverse reactions, such as were stated in the articles, were true. PLUS why are all the top medical learning institutions over there to learn. Surely you don't think Americans and our top institutions are so foolish and cavalier. Good luck with your smear campaign