送交者: JFF 于 2009-11-27, 10:47:44:
I am from Wuhan, the city Xiao is practicing. I am not a medical professional and don’t know any SB patient personally. I understand how the parents feel, because similar situation is not rare and may occur to one’s relatives or friends. I am a reader of XYS. I edited my previous post without knowing James-H-Bonds was answering the same question. So we are not an organized body, but people who don’t know each other.
I felt an urge to clarify the question raised by Lifeisgood. What I am trying to say is that if there is anything is wrong with the volunteers’ investigation, it is the investigation method (a telephone investigation, not medical tests, but a telephone investigation is the best volunteers can do with limited information and money), not the sample number. If the investigation method is reliable, we can be 100% sure about that Xiao is cheating.
Xiao’s late PhD supervisor, Qiu, was a prestigious academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I personally know one of Qiu’s students. We are in the same city. I know this person was cheating on the government’ fund and how this person was cheating. This person used Qiu’s reputation, which Xiao is also accused of. So I am not 100% sure whether Xiao is cheating, I will not 100% believe in Xiao and his procedure.
Originally Posted by Gymp
Your English is fine...
Newie & Mr.Bond,who are you two and what if any is/was your affiliation with Dr.Xiao or are you from the Chinese media?
What are your interests/non interests in this procedure?Did you have a family member/friend who had this procedure done or ?