The speed will be larger


送交者: gyro 于 2010-01-04, 13:15:08:

回答: 接一根短的管子,摩擦可以忽略不计。捏扁管子的时候水的速度会不会变大? 由 lightman 于 2010-01-04, 13:05:57:

just like watering the garden. Putting the bozzle in the "jet" position makes the water flow slower at any of the squeezed positions.

The water pressure inside the pipes (inside the house) is fixed, however, by squeezing the end, the total flux of water is reduced, therefore the pressure drop in side the tube or hose is reduced. The difference betweem the pressure inside the house pipes and the atmospheric pressure is then focused at the place where water is released. So squeezing leads to faster flow.



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