送交者: OTL 于 2010-01-14, 11:49:44:
回答: 有本杂志推荐Jane Goodall(珍妮·古德尔)的新书, 由 克己明德 于 2010-01-14, 05:00:27:
"Suppose, in a restaurant, you were served a dish of black mashed potato. Chances are you would reject it. In fact, you would be horrified! Even if it was explained to you that this new black color indicated an extra-nutritious kind of potato, you would probably resist, preferring a traditional mound of whitish yellowish potato. But if you were given a mound of mashed potatoes that had been genetically modified to include pesticides in order to prevent insects eating them, you would tuck into it because you wouldn't know that this was not the traditional potato of your childhood. And restaurants do not tell you if their food is genetically modified. Not because they are hiding it from you; most of the time they can't tell you because they don't know either." p.45
"It is because of the known risks and all the uncertainty that some countries have banned the growing and selling of genetically engineered foods. Many residents of these countries are higly suspicious of GMOs and are especially watching American children to see if there are any long-term affects. The children of North America have now become the world's lab animals on whom to sudy the long-term effects of eating GM products." p. 62
- Jane Goodall in her book, Harvest for Hope