送交者: meiyou 于 2010-01-28, 18:57:05:
回答: 某些肉类有官方条例管制屠杀,买卖程序,可以说是一种 由 阮宗光 于 2010-01-28, 18:40:27:
During their 1803–1806 expedition, Meriwether Lewis and the other members of the Corps of Discovery consumed dog meat, either from their own animals or supplied by Native American tribes including the Paiutes and Wah-clel-lah Indians, a branch of the Watlalas,[87] the Clatsop,[88] the Teton Sioux (Lakota),[89] the Nez Perce Indians,[90] and the Hidatsas.[91] Lewis and the members of the expedition ate dog meat except William Clark who reportedly could not bring himself to eat dogs.[92]
[edit] Native Americans
The traditional culture surrounding the consumption of dog meat varied from tribe to tribe among the original inhabitants of North America, with some tribes relishing it as a delicacy and others (such as the Comanche) treating it as an abhorrent practice.[93] Native peoples of the Great Plains, such as the Sioux and Cheyenne, consumed it, but there was a concurrent religious taboo against the meat of wild canines.[94] The usual preparation method was boiling.