it's true that fewer southerners watch it


送交者: kma 于 2010-02-13, 16:04:44:

回答: 史蒂夫肯定不堪春晚,又21/22次 vs.13/14次:稀饭面条 vs. 牛奶面包;咖啡、大蒜 由 Nixrreg 于 2010-02-13, 14:51:48:

however, most those surveys focused on urban people, esp big cities.

i think rural ones and small cities still prefers cctv show.

i find an interesting phenomenon:

elite classes not only take for granted that their views are certainly the most advanced, but also
(quizzically) the most popular, believing they represent the whole world.

it's not just between rich and poor, well and less educated, but also internationally:

a few west countries ( less than 10% population and 20% area) always claim they represent international community on almost every issue



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