送交者: steven 于 2005-3-28, 14:48:00:
回答: Doch! 由 fagus 于 2005-3-28, 13:31:44:
Do you see I used the present tense regarding Netscape? And read it yourself if you know chinese: "未来的Netscape版本只是“维持性的版本”,这意味着Mozilla.org组织将会非正式的接过Netscape大旗。 和Netscape一脉相承的Mozilla随即宣布脱离美国在线自立门户,成立新的非盈利组织Mozilla Foundation。" Mozilla got money from AOL, not Netscape. Since 2003, Netscape has been staying out of software development business, it is a internet service provider and it doesn't do anything to open src.