寻衅滋事 – a joke.


送交者: hooah 于 2010-10-03, 11:57:56:

The closest term for this ridiculous 寻衅滋事 charge is probably: Disorderly Conduct.

With his confession and based on the simple arguments of:
Premeditated and repeat offender.
the minimum charge should be:
First Degree Reckless Injury
or highest severity of Misdemeanor;

However, under the campaign of 和谐社会* slogan, Xiao would probably get off with fine of a few hundred dollars and under probation of x number of days; totally without any criminal record (hope this prediction is wrong).

If rumor of his having powerful connections with some political leaders is true, then, he may get off scot-free!
Who knows?

和谐社会* does it mean:
“If I am rich or powerful, please tolerate my wrong doings in order to achieve a 和谐社会” ?




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