J Urol. 1995 Aug;154(2 Pt 2):766-8.
Selective sacral rhizotomy for the management of neurogenic bladders in spina bifida patients: long-term followup.
Schneidau T, Franco I, Zebold K, Kaplan W.
Westchester County Medical Center, Valhalla, New York, USA.
Selective sacral rhizotomy was introduced for the management of high pressure neurogenic bladders commonly encountered in myelodysplastic patients. In 1992, 2 of us (I.F. and W.K.) first reported results with selective sacral rhizotomy and cord untethering in 8 spina bifida patients. We report long-term followup of our original 8 patients and 3 additional patients. This followup demonstrates remarkable success in maintaining bladder volume and low pressures after rhizotomy and cord untethering. Uninhibited contractions resolved in all patients postoperatively. A more favorable response occurred in the patients younger than 9 years, supporting early intervention with selective sacral rhizotomy.
PMID: 7609174 [pubmed - indexed for medline]