In general, direct energy weapons do work well in all weather condition.


送交者: steven 于 2010-11-05, 12:28:57:

回答: steve,多云的情况下,要是目标在云层穿行,激光拦截武器能击中目标吗? 由 meiyou 于 2010-11-05, 08:21:55:

However, you have to understand how THAL/MTHAL are used. THAL/MTHAL are both a countermeasure to artillery, especially like mortar shells and unguided rockets which are the weapon of choice for guerrilla warfare. Those projectiles do fly very high, and bound to be ineffective during the weather condition that THEL/MTHEL are ineffective. For lightly clouded sky, like covered with scud clouds, THEL/MTHEL are still functional.



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