brain is more important


送交者: kma 于 2010-11-15, 17:57:32:

回答: 人怎么没进化成同时能飞的动物?比如手臂和腰之间有蝙蝠一样的膜,至少可以滑行 由 coubert 于 2010-11-15, 15:56:25:

actually humans are evolving in the "wrong' direction: weakening in physique

losing hairs in bodies, decreasing fertility, as more and more people preferring white collar jobs, the exercise of body is less and less.

usually a species focus on producing as many progenies as possible, but we are exception. we want to live longer and have at most 2 kids ( i bet 95% middle class parents think this way).

recent articles i read about aging discussed this paradox: species' instinct of making more descedents interfere with their life span. so now if we want to live longer, we have to evolve in the opposite direction.



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