学的是Electric Engineering,拿的学位是Bachelor in Electrical Engineering


送交者: JJT 于 2010-07-21, 16:37:59:

回答: 有啊 - Klaipeda University - Electric Engineering 由 tupper 于 2010-07-21, 15:13:17:

Study programme - Electric Engineering

Faculty - Faculty of Marine Engineering

Mode of studies - Full-time

Name of qualification - Bachelor Transport Engineering

Level of qualification - University first cycle (undergraduate, Bachelor) studies

Official length of programme - Four years studies, 160 national credits

Access requirements - 1. Secondary, advanced or any other corresponding education 2. English Language

Programme objectives and competencies acquired - Bachelor in Electrical Engineering has: a grasp of the essential principles of electrical engineering the ability to apply basic engineering principles and analytical techniques to problem formulation and solution, understanding of the engineering design process, at both the conceptual and detail levels a familiarity with the key factors in the business environment such as marketing skills, financial awareness and investment appraisal and a range of transferable skills including communication, numeric use of information technology, project management and team working.

又或者,可能,在 Faculty of Marine Engineering 拿 Bachelor [of] Transport Engineering?



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