It is important to remember that North Korea is a regional problem.


送交者: steven 于 2010-08-19, 13:34:28:

回答: 打朝鲜对美国有何好处?为何朝鲜喊着有核武不打, 萨达姆否认反而打? 由 silxirt 于 2010-08-19, 13:02:28:

It has no means to assert influence to world. Iraq is different. Iraq and Saudi, Kuwait share boarders, and very close to UAE. Under Saddam, Iraq had the ambition to dominate the region. That region unfortunately fuels the civilization of the world. Most of the people in this forum don't know what it was like when the middle East cut oil to the west. If middle east is ruled by one dictator. The world will be on his mercy for quit some time. Even China won't be able to enjoy its economic growth like it is now.

On the other hand, this may not be a bad thing, because it would force the developed countries to use alternative energy, and perhaps, global warming won't be such a big pressing issue now.



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