送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-4-12, 18:25:30:
回答: 插一嘴 由 方迷 于 2005-4-12, 18:14:59:
the inequality results from "optimal resource allocation" (even market can really bring this, cross your fingure).
Thus, the reason of current inequalty is not solely resulted from "optimal resource allocation", but also from something else like people are born to be hugely inequal.
And market doesn't cures all. There are too many assumptions to make the market works properly. If you believe all of them happening in real life, you are a banana.
But I agree with you to some extend "美国贫富不均的一个根源就是美国的比较彻底的市场经济的运行.". The reason that I am predicting we as the whole world would be more inequal is the free flow of capital. If capital is limited in a country, the country can have more egalitarian policy to regulate some infavorable consequence of "free market". But free flow of capital de facto makes the countries to compete with each other with minimum regulation on capital--usually will result more inequality between kapitalists and labors.