送交者: steven 于 2005-4-21, 03:27:35:
回答: 来源是美国电视纪录片 由 随便 于 2005-4-21, 00:53:29:
In the west front, certain English Germen troops dressed in American uniforms infutrated the the Allies line on Dec. 16, 44. These soldiers were sent to create confusion to help the Germen breaking through the Allies line totally. Some of these soldiers were captured, because they were dressed in the uniforms of their enemy, Genever convention was silent about this, hence these soldiers were interrogated and executed by firing squads. This was the general practices at that time. The commander of Operation greif, Otto Skorzeny, was tried for war crime after the war but was acquitted, because Allies were doing the same. In fact, Operation greif was inspired by the Allies' subterfuge effort.