Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study


送交者: Wood 于 2011-09-28, 11:53:36:

回答: 柴玲成为现在这样,中国严格的社会道德约束功不可没 由 conner 于 2011-09-28, 10:50:59:

Science 27 May 2011:
Vol. 332 no. 6033 pp. 1100-1104
DOI: 10.1126/science.1197754

Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study

With data from 33 nations, we illustrate the differences between cultures that are tight (have many strong norms and a low tolerance of deviant behavior) versus loose (have weak social norms and a high tolerance of deviant behavior). Tightness-looseness is part of a complex, loosely integrated multilevel system that comprises distal ecological and historical threats (e.g., high population density, resource scarcity, a history of territorial conflict, and disease and environmental threats), broad versus narrow socialization in societal institutions (e.g., autocracy, media regulations), the strength of everyday recurring situations, and micro-level psychological affordances (e.g., prevention self-guides, high regulatory strength, need for structure). This research advances knowledge that can foster cross-cultural understanding in a world of increasing global interdependence and has implications for modeling cultural change.



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