◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇ 中国新闻网公然用改变日期方式炮制美国“非典”谣言 下面这篇文章出现在4月23日的中国新闻网,全文除了标题和将日期改为4月20日之外, 基本上是是CNN2002年2月11日一篇报导的译文。造谣者将时间改为4月20日, 还特意在标题中加上了非典两个字,简直无耻到了极点。 (看好戏) 原报道第一段就写得很清楚,她得的是“细菌性”(i.e.典型)肺炎 (JZ) 这几天来一直有人散布这条CNN旧闻想要证明萨斯病是最早起源于美国的。他们连 细菌和病毒的差别都没搞明白。 (方舟子) 中新网的谣言 美一妇女患肺炎死亡 症状极似非典引恐慌 2003年04月23日 16:19:09 中新网4月23日电 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,美国新泽西洲当地的医学权 威称他们怀疑一名妇女在参加费城的一个聚会后死于肺炎。   这位叫做琼安娜-赫姆斯瑞特的妇女今年45岁,她是马萨诸塞州金斯顿市人, 在当地时间4月20日早上她死于新泽西肯尼迪纪念医院,医院方便称,在她亡故的 前四天里,病情一直呈现出流感的症状。   医院方面的专家,感染科医师大卫-康杜里奇说:“目前我们还无法确定她 的具体死因,但是看起来她很像是得了很严重的肺炎,而且很像死于由肺炎引起 的并发症”。   医院同时还承认,另外有6名女性患者和1名男患者在当地的希尔顿酒店里住 过,结果这7人他们都呈现出流感症状,但是病情都比较平稳,不像琼安娜-赫姆斯 瑞特的病情那么严重。   康杜里奇说:“这几位患者都会在我们的医院里接受一个比较长时间的观察, 以确定具体的各种情况,如病情、症状、病因,然后我们才能根据这些情况找到 医治办法,并且对目前的整体疫情作出判断。”   赫姆斯瑞特是当地一家抵押公司的职员,她当时正参加该公司的全美年度销 售会议,4月19日的下午,她在登记入住希尔顿酒店后出现发烧、头痛、浑身酸痛、 恶心、呼吸短促等症状,最终在4月20日清晨3时14分死亡。   医院的发言人一直认为她是死于肺炎球菌或者是脑膜炎菌感染。这两种都是 十分凶猛的疾病,而赫姆斯瑞特的症状似乎更像死于肺炎。酒店方面为了避免疫 情蔓延,曾经在20日2时-10时实施了短暂封闭。   有关方面敦促那些与赫姆斯瑞特有过亲密接触的人尽快到医院接受诊断。目 前在肯尼迪纪念医院至少有84个人在住院,其中包括急诊室的大夫,医务人员们 向他们注射了抗体以避免感染。   医生们还在测试赫姆斯瑞特是否死于“军团症”,此病在1976年7月曾经在 宾西法尼亚大爆发过。因为首次发病出现在一次退伍兵集会上,故称之为“军团 症”,当时有221人染病,34人死亡,其中包括21名退伍兵和他们的家属,这种病 症与肺炎的症状十分相似,潜伏期为2-3日。   注:军团症是一种细菌性肺炎,主要由孽生在空气加湿器、蓄水系统、空调 系统等潮湿环境中的军团菌引起,主要症状是高烧、咳嗽和腹泻,患者的死亡率 约10%。体弱或老年人最易受到军团菌的感染。军团症最初在美国费城的一次退伍 军人大会时爆发,此病因此而得名。(章田) CNN原文: Pneumonia, not meningitis, likely killed woman February 11, 2002 Posted: 10:22 AM EST (1522 GMT) CHERRY HILL, New Jersey (CNN) -- Medical authorities said Sunday they suspected that a woman attending a convention in suburban Philadelphia died of pulmonary bacteria pneumonia -- and not meningitis, as initially thought. Joanne Hemstreet, 45, of Kingston, Massachusetts, died early Sunday at Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, according to hospital officials, at least four days after coming down with flu-like symptoms. "We don't know the exact cause of her demise at this time, though ... this looks lik e a case of Pneumococcal pneumonia with a very severe complication," said Dr. David Condoluci, the hospital's chief of infectious diseases. The hospital admitted six women and one man staying at the same Hilton Hotel in Cherry Hill, about 10 miles southeast of Philadelphia. Five suffered from flu-like symptoms and two from pneumonia, but none had the same severe form of pneumonia that killed Hemstreet, according to medical authorities. All were in stable condition Sunday. "Most of these cases would probably not be admitted under normal circumstances, but they're being admitted for observation because of what's happened here, and [for] treatment until we have a little better idea of what's happening," Condoluci said. Hemstreet, one of 400 Cendant Mortgage employees attending their annual national sales meeting, was already suffering from headache, fever, chills, vomiting and shortness of breath when she checked into the hotel Wednesday, said Condoluci. On Saturday afternoon she told co-workers she felt worse and retired to her room. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance around 8:15 p.m. ET, the hospital said in a statement. Over the next four or five hours, she developed a rash over her entire body, her blood pressure dropped and she went into shock before dying at 3:14 a.m. Sunday, Condoluci said. Doctors initially believed Hemstreet's death was caused by an infection of pneumococcus or meningococcus bacteria, said hospital spokeswoman Nicole Pensiero. Meningococcus bacteria can cause meningitis -- or the often fatal swelling of the brain -- as well as pneumonia, arthritis and bacteremia, or bacteria in the blood. Transmitted by coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge and saliva, it takes one to 10 days for symptoms to appear after exposure. Pneumococcal disease -- caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus -- is the leading cause of death from vaccine-preventable bacterial disease in the United States. The bacteria can cause pneumonia, blood stream infection and meningitis. Hoping to stem a potential meningitis outbreak, hotel officials quarantined the building from 2 a.m. to 10 a.m. ET Sunday, said Steve Kronic, Hilton's senior vice president. No one had checked in since the hotel reopened, a hotel desk clerk told CNN around 6 p.m. Authorities urged anyone who had direct contact with Hemstreet, as well as with other hotel guests, to seek medical attention. At least 84 people treated at Kennedy Memorial Hospital -- including the emergency room staff -- were given prophylactic antibiotics as a precaution, Pensiero said. While they believed Hemstreet died of an aggressive form of pneumonia, doctors said they were still concerned that her rash might have been caused by the type of bacteria that causes meningitis. A definitive diagnosis, they said, should be available Tuesday or Wednesday. Officials said they were also testing for Legionnaires' disease. The first known cases of this disease broke out in July 1976 during a Pennsylvania American Legion convention at a Philadelphia hotel. A total of 221 people contracted the illness and 34 died, including 29 Legionnaires or their family members. Symptoms of the pneumonia-like illness begin appearing two to three days after exposure. But Condoluci said urine samples taken from the seven hospitalized Cendant Mortgage employees seemed to indicate they had "a flu-like illness," not Legionnaires' disease. (XYS20030424) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇