◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys1.dyndns.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇ 美国西点军校来函澄清“西点军校学雷锋”报道 (方舟子按:3月27日我将中新网报道“学雷锋学汉语成为美国西点军校新时尚” 译成英文寄给美国西点军校公共关系办公室,要求他们做出评论。第二天收到其来 函) 谢谢您对美国军事学院感兴趣。 那篇文章中关于雷锋的信息是不准确的。在本军事学院,没有雷锋的塑像或画 像。雷锋语录没有被印在任何正式的学员出版物中。虽然历史课和中文课也许会讨 论雷锋,但军事学院并不赞赏他或其哲学。 我希望这能澄清该问题并回答你的关注。 克里斯蒂娜·安克拉姆 公共关系办公室 美国军事学院 西点,纽约 Thank you for your interest in the United States Military Academy. The information contained in the article below pertaining to Lei Feng is inaccurate. There are no statues or pictures of Lei Feng at the Academy. Quotations from Lei Feng are not printed in the any official cadet publication. While Lei Feng may be discussed in history and Chinese language classes, neither he nor his philosophy are endorsed by the Academy. I hope this clarifies the information and answers your concerns. Kristina Anklam Public Affairs Office United States Military Academy West Point, NY 10996-1788 845-938-4261 fax: 845-446-5820 yk3047@exmail.usma.army.mil ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys1.dyndns.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇