◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 加州州立大学确有少年班 吕箴 “对《17岁哈佛博士生杨杨的成功之路 》的几点质疑”(方曦闽)一文对“加州 大学神童班”提出疑问.不过,加州州立大学确有一个类似中国的少年班的教育形 式,其全称是 EARLY ENTRANCE PROGRAM, 简称 EEP. 优秀的学生可跳过高中甚至 初中进入大学. 加州有两个州立大学系统: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 和 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. EEP 设在 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES (CSULA, 注意, 不是 UCLA) EEP的信息可从 www.calstatela.edu 或 www.calstatela.edu/academic/eep 查到. 下面是从 CSULA 的 CATALOG 摘下 的一段对 EEP 的介绍. 为保持原汁原味,我没有翻译. "Cal State L.A.'s Early Entrance Program (EEP) serves highly gifted students who need the academic challenges of a university environment to develop intellectually, but who are chronologically younger than traditional undergraduates and have not yet graduated from high school. Students who are younger than 16 years old at the start of the summer quarter, but are at least 11 years old are eligible for the EEP. Participation is open by invitation, and admission is based on performance in an academic assessment inventory administered by the program director, personal interview of the applicants and their parents, and the completion of a provisional quarter of study. Some of the qualities needed for admission include, but are not limited to, maturity, academic talent and need for acceleration. Those students whose academic and personal performances are judged adequate and appropriate are admitted to the EEP after final approval from the Faculty Admission committee. Regular meetings with EEP staff, participation in scheduled activities and enrollment as a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate are required. EEP students are responsible for tuition identical to other CSU students but are eligible for financial aid and scholarship assistance. Upon admission, EEP students are admitted to the University's General Education Honors Program. For further information please contact the EEP at (323) 343-2287, fax (323) 343-5574 or visit the EEP Web site at www.calstatela.edu/". EEP入学选拔考试设在每年的四月和十二月.考试合格者作为试读生(PROVISIONAL) 在暑期(CSULA是QUARTAR制)选两门正式大学课试读.期末,由有关教授,EEP负责人 以及EEP高年级学生共同对试读的学生进行综合考查,确定最后人选.入学后,EEP 的学生和普通大学生一起上课,没有小灶吃. 方曦闽提到"莫非美国人学习了中国的教育体制,也搞起了少年班".事实上,对美 国教育稍有了解就会发现,其教育形式多种多样,因才施教,不一刀切,既有为优秀 学生的,也有为其他不同层次的.许多中小学允许学生跳级.在我居住的城市,初中 数学就分快,中及普通班.初中毕业时,快班已学完高中所需课程.到了高中,学生 的自由度就更大.有能力的学生可选AP和HONOR课.这些大家都很熟系.据EEP负责 人讲,全美还有几个类似EEP的PROGRAMS,有私立的,也有公立的. 作为一种特殊的教育形式,EEP也受到社会的关注.洛杉矶时报,CBS(OR NBC,记不 太清了)都对EEP作过报道.当然,不少人反对对天才少年实行加速教育 (ACCELERATED EDUCAIOTN).这是仁者见仁,智者见智的事.不管怎样,每年都有不 少学生去参加EEP的考试.要真想进去,还挺不容易,除了分数要高,其他方面也要好. Arcadia, CA (XYS20031218) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇