【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ———————————————— 国外对一个类似于“一稿多投”的处理 松涛 资料来源: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext?ID=90010754&PLACEBO=IE.pdf 打开PDF版的Graphical Abstract(page 373-382),在最后可以看到CORRIGENDA. 这里是一个很好的,(类似于)“一稿多投”的例子。 最新一期的Angewandte Chemie International Edition(化学口研究性期刊的#1或#2) 电子版上,有一条CORRIGENDA。是关于鼎鼎有名的Harvard化学系的G. M. Whitesides的两篇文章的声明。其中一篇是发表在Angewandte Chemie International Edition 上的Communication, 另一篇是发表在J. Am. Chem. Soc(or JACS,美国化学会志,化学口研究性期刊中与Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.并驾齐驱的#1或#2)上的Full paper. 两篇文章发表时间相近,Full paper中又有部分内容是Communication中实验内容 的详细描述。所以,由于作者们没有在Communication中引用发表在JACS上的 Full paper,给人一“一稿多投”的印象。为此,G. M. Whitesides教授及合作 者向这两家期刊道歉。(全文附后) 个人感想:G. M. Whitesides在soft-lithography, self-assembly, nano/meso scale architecture 等方面可以算是“泰斗”级的人物,也算桃李满天下了。 这次还并非是完全的一稿多投,就已经老老实实的道歉了。可见“江湖规矩”的 厉害。想想国内的一稿多投,苦衷也罢,无奈也罢,被迫也罢,国情也罢,毕竟 是不对的呀。只要知道错了也好,小声点,赶紧改过来也还算个好姿态。可就是 偏偏还有人理直气壮的嚷,到底是真不知道错,不觉得错,还是死咬着不认错呢? The Communication by G. M. Whitesides and co-workers in Issue 12, 2001, pp. 2316 - 2320 should have referenced a paper that was published at approximatelythe same time and contained some of the same experimental data: R. E. Holmlin, R. Haag, M. L. Chabinyc, R. F. Ismagilov, A. E. Cohen, A. Terfort, M. A. Rampi, G. M. Whitesides, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 5075 - 5085 (Electron Transport through Thin Organic Films in Metal-Insulator-Metal Junctions Based on Self-Assembled Monolayers). This full paper gives the details of the largest part of the experimental work communicated in Angewandte Chemie. Omission of this reference gave the impression of "duplicate publication", for which the authors apologize to both journals. The acknowledgement should also have listed the affiliation of Dr. Andreas Terfort as the Institute for Inorganic and Applied Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany. ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】