◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   吴国雄院士不是“一稿多投”而是“一稿多算”   作者:支持公正   新语丝 XYS20091007 刊出“公正”对吴国雄大规模一稿两投的指责。   新语丝 XYS20091009 刊出吴国雄的回复。吴国雄的解释固然有道理:同一 个期刊推出两个版本,以便国内外的读者都能看到。但是,本人认为,吴国雄在 其简历上依然不够诚实。因为一稿多投的指责可以说不成立,“公正”指责的 “一稿多算”还是成立的。因为相同的论文的不同语言版本的文章只能算一篇, 而吴国雄列出的1到58篇实际上只有29篇。   所以,建议吴国雄把简历中的论文列表改为如下格式。如“公正”列出的 1-8,只能算3篇,否则就是不诚实的“一稿多算”行为:   1. Wu Guoxiong, Chen Biao, and Wu Zheng-Xian: Moist and dry Eliassen-Palm cross sections in different wave bands and residual circulation. Frontiers in Atmospheric Sciences. Allerton Press Inc., 1993: 115-131. Also published as: 吴国雄, 陈彪,不同波数域中的干湿E-P 剖面和余差环流. 大气科学特刊,1988: 94-106.   2. Wu Guoxiong,Cai Y.-P.,Tang X.-J., Modulation between atmospheric thermal and mechanical foring and simulation of mean meridional circulation, Acta Meleorological Sinica, 1995, 9******** Also published as: 吴国雄、蔡雅萍,大气热力强迫和动力强迫的调配及平均 经圈环流的仿真模拟。气象学报,1994, 52:138-148.Also published as: Wu Guoxiong and CAI Yaping, Modulation of atmospheric thermal and mechanical forcings and numerical modeling of mean meridional circulation. Acta Meteor. Sinica, 1993,7:412-422.   3. Wu Guoxiong, and Cubalsh, The impact of El Nino SST anomaly on mean meridional circulation and transfer properties of the atmosphere. Scientia Sinica, 1987, 30:533-545. Also published as: Wu Guoxiong, and Cubalsh, U., El Nino 海温异常对纬向平均经圈环流及大气输 送特征的影响。中国科学,1986,10:1109-1120.Also published as: [007] Wu Guoxiong, and Cubalsh, U., The impact of the El Nino anomaly on the mean meridional circulation as simulated by a   high resolution model. ECMWF Tech. Memo. 1985, No. 105:1- 25.   请吴国雄立即改变简历,尽管这样你的论文总数显得比你宣传的数目少不少, 但是至少让人知道你是个诚实的学者。 (XYS20091013) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇