◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   一图多用的范例——复旦大学软件学院李银胜   作者:Timmy   复旦大学软件学院的李银胜(Yinsheng Li)在电子商务领域论文多,但论 文拼凑严重,一图多用,令人吃惊。例如他把一张图先后在8篇论文中使用,有 的完全一样,有的略微改动,外行也骗不了。请看下面目录:   1. [Fig. 6. A multi-model driven collaborative development platform for service-oriented e-Business systems], Donglai Zhu , Yinsheng Li ,Junshuai Shi , Yingxiao Xu , Weiming Shen , A service-oriented city portal framework and collaborative development platform, Information Sciences 179 (2009) 2606–2617 .   2. [Fig. 2. Multi-model driven collaborative platform for e-Businesses (business view)], Yinsheng Li , Jianping Shen , Junshuai Shi , Weiming Shen ,Ying Huang , Yingxiao Xu, Multi-model driven collaborative development platform for service-oriented e-Business systems, Advanced Engineering Informatics 22 (2008) 328–339.   3. [Fig. 3 Multi-model driven integrated development platform for e-Marketplaces], Yinsheng Li & Xiaohua Lu & Kuo-Ming Chao & Ying Huang & Muhammad Younas, The realization of service-oriented e-Marketplaces, Inf Syst Front (2006) 8:307–319.   4. [Figure 2. Digital court business template displayed in business view], Yingxiao Xu, Yinsheng Li, Lansheng Wang, Junshuai Shi, Jianping Shen, A Service-Oriented Collaborative Development Platform for Digital Courts, IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering,2007,641-648.   5. [Figure 1. Service discovery and usage on the collaborative platform], Gang Liu, Xiaoyan Wu, Enmei Tang, Qianhui Liang, Yinsheng Li,A Service-Oriented Development Platform with Precise Service Discovery, IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering,2008,655-659.   6. [Figure 2 Multi-model driven integrated development platform for e- Businesses], Yinsheng Li, Ying Huang, Xiaohua Lu, Xingdong Shi, Weiming Shen, Hamada Ghenniwa, Multi-Model Driven Collaborative Development Platform for Service-Oriented e-Business Systems, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,2006.   7. [Figure 2. Multi-model driven collaborative platform with three views], Yinsheng Li, Junshuai Shi, Weiming Shen, Yingxiao Xu, A Global Model based Service-Oriented Software Engineering Platform,IEEE,2008.   8. [Fig. 4 Business view], Xingdong Shi, Weili Han, Ying Huang, Yinsheng Li,Service-Oriented Business Solution Development Driven by Process Model, The Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology,2005. (XYS20100224) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇