◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇   关于所谓“放弃45万美元年薪,留美博士南充“安家”的回复   作者:母其文   亲爱的Fred,   谢谢你的兴趣与留意 (http://xinyusi.s3.amazonaws.com/xys/ebooks/others/science/dajia12/muqiwen.txt)。 首先我得告诉你我不是“千人人才计划”引进人才,也不是任何 国内所谓“人才计划”引进人才,我只是“回家”或者“回国”看看, 因为医 学院毕业后我曾经在该医院工作过8年再读博再出国。医院没有给我分文。 至今 尚未确定是在国内发展还是呆在美国,而且乔治博士正在给我的新offer (见下 文), 我现在就在美国。Fred, 你的“国内所谓“人才计划”, 不做核实, 真是害人不潜 (Fred 的话, 错别字,应为害人不浅)。”的结论是不是下 得太早?   第二,我是不是首席科学家,博士指导老师, 请看南卡罗纳州医科大学工 作人员搜索网页 http://find.musc.edu/index.jsp?id=500000000004931&page=view   MUSC People Search   List of SuperUsers   Detailed Listing Name: Mu, Qiwen   Title 1: Adjunct Assistant Professor   Title 2: Senior Investigator Faculty/ Chief Scientist/ Radiologist/ Mentor in Doctoral and Postdoc Programs   E-Mail: muq@musc.edu   Phone: 792-5725   Fax: 792-5702   Cell: 860-0734   Dept. 1: Radiology   Dept. 2: Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Dept of   P.O. Box: MSC 861   Room #: PH504   Address: Psychiatric Hospital - 67 President St.   Fred, 你不会不知道首席科学家的英文是Chief Scientist,博士指导老 师是Mentor in Doctoral and Postdoc Programs吧? 也可以从乔治给我的 offer 中 得到印证。   Fred, 离海边5英里的单个房子叫不叫海边别墅?30万左右的海边别墅 你有吗?你要卖吗?我并没有说我的房子值多少钱, 我还没有穷到卖房的地步, 请不要胡乱猜测。   第三,至于乔治是否给我45万年薪,是否给我教授头衔以及其他事项,请看 乔治给我的offer。确是不想给他人看,但是不得已。 Fred, 你不会不认得英文 Professor 吧? 不会不知道USD 450K 是多少吧?   January 5, 2011   Dear Dr. Qiwen Mu,   As you know, you are relatively unique in the world in some of your clinical and research training and knowledge. You have worked with Dr. Elliot Stein, who is a world leader in brain imaging and addictions. We were able to recruit you to MUSC where you worked for many years with our groups and learned and developed new techniques with image data analysis and TMS. You are also clinically trained as a neuroradiologist and have passed the required board examinations for licensure.   Based on your unique skills and knowledge, I would like to offer you the following positions - Senior Investigator Faculty (Professorship), Chief Scientist, Radiologist, and Mentor in Doctoral and Postdoctoral Programs at Brain Stimulation laboratory, Medical University of South Carolina. Your responsibilities would include, but would not be limited to, interleaved TMS-fMRI, perfusion, diffusion, and spectroscopy. You will also be involved in clinical trials as well. The annual salary for this position would be USD 450K.   Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me.   Sincerely,   Mark S. George, MD   Distinguished University Professor of Psychiatry, Radiology and Neuroscience   Director, Brain Stimulation Laboratory   Founding Director, Center for Advanced Imaging Research (CAIR)   MUSC Director, SC Brain Imaging Center of Excellence   Editor-in-Chief, Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation   这是一份电子版,我还有一份乔治的亲笔签字信,如需要,可以以PDF 的格 式上载,也可以Email Dr. George at georgem@musc.edu 去核实.   Fred, 敢问你的真性大名?你没发烧吧?没有喝酒吧?没有精神病吧?没有 不满18岁吧?劝你一句 – 病的越久,就越糊涂!你可不要以糊涂发疯啊!不要 在异国他乡丢脸啊!中华民族是个伟大的民民族哟!再有,你可以去看乔治博士, 他可是精神病专家啊! Copay还是要交的,不管你是精神病还是神经病。 经精 神病专家鉴定你如不是精神病,你得对你的言行负法律责任。 (XYS20110213) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys5.dxiong.com)(www.xinyusi.info)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇