◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys6.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 看ICMLC会议——读《扬州大学计算机学院借承办ICISE2011会议之名获利》有感 作者:智能人 方先生,您好,   今天偶然看到有作者指出ICISE2011会议存在的问题,根据笔者在大陆若干 年的科研经验,只能说这种会议不少。   就比如,前段时间一个学生急于投一个英文会议毕业,于是便投了 ICMLC2012。后论文被录取。   注册前,本着负责的态度,就去查了一下ICMLC2011年的文章,结果一查吓 一跳。ICMLC简直是组委会用来灌水的后花园。   如此大批量的灌水,笔者相信质量和原创性估计难以保证。   更痛心疾首的是,笔者有着强烈情感的求真务实的哈工大居然在首页的支持 单位名单内。不知是随便列的,还是获得了哈工大的许可?   仅列举灌水比较多的几个供大家学习,仅单列ICMLC2011的数据: Wing W. Y. Ng, Patrick P. K. Chan, Daniel S. Yeung 共20篇,每篇均为3人合作。 A study on the effect of scaling functions to feature weighting performance, ICMLC 2011, 1077-1081 A survey of the initialization of centers and widths in radial basis function network for classification, ICMLC 2011, 1082-1087 A novel defend against good word attacks, ICMLC 2011, 1088-1092 Dynamic base classifier pool for classifier selection in Multiple Classifier Systems, ICMLC 2011, 1093-1096 Sensitivity based Growing and Pruning method for RBF network in online learning environments, ICMLC 2011, 1107-1112 Comparision of different classifiers in fault detection in microgrid, ICMLC 2011, 1210-1213 Disturbance rejection using error estimation in neural network controller design, ICMLC 2011, 1220-1225 Multiple classifier system for short term load forecast of Microgrid, ICMLC 2011, 1268-1273 A novel method to reduce redundancy in adaptive threshold clustering key frame extraction systems, ICMLC 2011, 1637-1642 Blind steganalysis with high generalization capability for different image databases using L-GEM, ICMLC 2011, 1690-1695 Depth estimation from a single image using defocus cues, ICMLC 2011, 1732-1738 Dynamic hierarchical semantic network based image retrieval using relevance feedback, ICMLC 2011, 1746-1751 Multi-object tracking in video using Localized Generalization Error model based RBFNN, ICMLC 2011, 1825-1831 3D Goods allocation in warehouse with L-GEM based 3-D RFID positioning, ICMLC 2011, 324-329 Efficiency of applying virtual reference tag to neural network based RFID indoor positioning method, ICMLC 2011, 447-453 Intelligent book positioning for library using RFID and book spine matching, ICMLC 2011, 465-470 Stock investment decision support for Hong Kong market using RBFNN based candlestick models, ICMLC 2011, 538-543 Social relationship discovery and face annotation in personal photo collection, ICMLC 2011, 631-637 Empirical study on the architecture selection of RBFNN using L-GEM for multi-class problems, ICMLC 2011, 723-726 News story clustering using L-GEM based RBFNN, ICMLC 2011, 85-90 Zhiwen Yu 共8篇 Neural gas based cluster ensemble algorithm and its application to cancer data, ICMLC 2011, 15-20 Penalty-based cluster validity index for class discovery from cancer data, ICMLC 2011, 1577-1582 PSEFminer: A new probabilistic subspace ensemble framework for cancer microarray data analysis, ICMLC 2011, 21-26 Sparse representation based spectral regression, ICMLC 2011, 32-537 Automatic classification of uncertain data by soft classifier, ICMLC 2011, 679-684 Relative nearest neighbors for classification, ICMLC 2011, 773-778 USOM: Mining and visualizing uncertain data based on self-organizing maps, ICMLC 2011, 804-809 iDetect: An immunity based algorithm to detect harmful content shared in Peer-to-Peer networks, ICMLC 2011, 926-931 Shyi-Ming Chen 共6篇 A new method for fuzzy decision making based on ranking generalized fuzzy numbers and interval type-2 fuzzy sets, ICMLC 2011, 131-136 A new method for fuzzy interpolative reasoning based on the slopes of fuzzy sets, ICMLC 2011, 137-141 A new method for fuzzy multiple attributes group decision making based on ranking interval type-2 fuzzy sets, ICMLC 2011, 142-147 A new method for multiattribute decision making using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values, ICMLC 2011, 148-153 Similarity measures between intervals of linguistic 2-tuples and the intervals of linguistic 2-tuples weighted average operator, ICMLC 2011, 1526-1531 A new method for multicriteria fuzzy decision making based on ranking interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values, ICMLC 2011, 154-159 (XYS20120618) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys6.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇