◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇ 读金吾伦、吴芳群译《布鲁卡的脑》第一章 田牛 今天对照Amazon.com的Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science by Carl Sagan 来阅读金吾伦、吴芳群译的第一章。 布鲁卡的脑——对科学传奇的反思 作者:卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan) 金吾伦 吴芳群 译 生活·读书·新知三联书店 博物馆内收藏的展品既有公共的,也有私人的。公共的包括人种学,或者说,文 化人类学方面的展品:蒙古人的习俗用品,或由美洲土著居民用染过色的树皮制 成的衣服,其中有些或许专为卖给赴法国的旅游者和善于经营的法国人类学家而 制作的。 Institutions of this sort have a public and a private side. The public side includes the exhibits in ethnography, say, or cultural anthropology: the costumes of the Mongols, or bark cloths painted by Native Americans, some perhaps prepared especially for sale to voyageurs and enterprising French anthropologists. 评论: 一、有些博物馆的确借用私人收藏的展品。这里指的不同:这种博物馆有对外展 出部门,也有内部研究部门。 二、卖给(殖民地时期赴加拿大的)法国商人和善于经营的法国人类学家 在展室内部,有用以存放不适宜展出的各种展品的巨大储藏室,这些展品对一般 展览说来,或因题材不妥,或因所占空间不合适,或者因为涉及研究的不同领域 而不宜展出。我们被人领着,穿过一个昏暗的大杂院,来到一些散发着霉味的房 间里,这些房间大小不等,小的如斗室,大的是圆形大厅。研究资料从房内一直 堆到走廊上:一件旧石器时代穴居者居住洞穴的仿制品,洞穴里放着一些食后抛 在那里的羚羊骨头;美拉尼西亚人的木雕男性生殖器;精致上釉的食具;奇形怪 状的礼仪面具;澳洲人的细长木柄标枪似的投枪;画着袒露肥胖臀部,衣衫褴楼 的非洲女人的广告。一个阴冷灰暗的储藏室内堆放着筏工们用过的葫芦形水管乐 器、皮鼓、芦笙,以及许许多多其它乐器,它们提醒人们,我们人类的祖先追求 娱乐的强烈愿望。 But in the innards of the place there are other things: people engaged in the construction of exhibits; vast storerooms of items inappropriate, because of subject matter or space, for general exhibition; and areas for research. We were led through a warren of dark, musty rooms, ranging from cubicles to rotundas. Research materials overflowed into the corridors: a reconstruction of a Paleolithic cave floor, showing where the antelope bones had been thrown after eating. Priapic wooden statuary from Melanesia. Delicately painted eating utensils. Grotesque ceremonial masks. Assagai-like throwing spears from Oceania. A tattered poster of a steatopygous woman from Africa. A dank and gloomy storeroom filled to the rafters with gourd woodwinds, skin drums, reed panpipes and innumerable other reminders of the indomitable human urge to make music. 评论: 一、第一句就有误译和漏译,把主题给漏了:人们正在制作展品;【方舟子按: 第一句几乎全都译错了:“在博物馆内部还有其他东西:正在制作展品的人们; 储存或因题材不当或太占地方而不适宜供一般展览的物品的巨大储藏室;以及 做研究用的地方。”】 二、没有穿过一个昏暗的大杂院,向导领着穿过一间又一间房间; 三、a reconstruction of a Paleolithic cave floor 不是穴居者居住洞穴的 仿制品; 四、Delicately painted 应该是彩绘不是上釉 五、Priapic wooden statuary不等于木雕男性生殖器,是阳具崇拜木雕; 六、Assagai-like throwing spears from Oceania 南非祖鲁人式的大洋洲土著 投枪; 七、A tattered poster 是破旧的招贴画。看不出有袒露肥胖臀部和衣衫褴褛的 意思。 八、rafters在这里不做筏工解,是货架的意思。 九、gourd woodwinds 应该不是葫芦形水管乐器,翻成葫芦笛、葫芦哨都行。 十、the indomitable human urge to make music.有创作音乐冲动的并不局限 于我们人类的祖先。 在这里,处处都可见到一些人在切实从事研究工作,他们那种灰黄色带点恭顺的 面部表情,与柯本斯那精神饱满地用两种语言解说的能力,形成了强烈的对照。 大多数房间明显是用来存放人类学的各项展品的,搜集的是几十年到一百年前的 东西。你似乎有这样一种感觉;这是一座第二流博物馆,这里存放的资料有意义 的并不多,也许曾一度有过意义。你能够感觉到十九世纪博物馆馆长们的派头: 他们身着常礼服,在测量着骨胳的角度和从事着人类头盖骨的研究,怀着纯粹从 定量方面就能获得理解的虔诚希望,在忙于搜集和测量各种东西。 Here and there could be found a few people actually engaged in research, their sallow and deferential demeanors contrasting starkly with the hearty bilingual competence of Coppens.Most of the rooms were evidently used for storage of anthropological items, collected from decades to more than a century ago. You had the sense of a museum of the second order, in which were stored not so much materials that might be of interest as materials that had once been of interest. You could feel the presence of nineteenth-century museum directors engaged, in their frock coats, in goniométrie and craniologie, busily collecting and measuring everything, in the pious hope that mere quantification would lead to understanding. 评论: 一、将their sallow and deferential demeanors 翻成“他们那种灰黄色带点 恭顺的面部表情”几乎在搞笑。应该是:人们在昏暗的灯光下专著地工作; 二、mere quantification would lead to understanding 被翻成“纯粹从定量 方面就能获得理解”,表达错误。 【方舟子按:译者的英文水平显然也不及格。又一部萨根的著作被糟蹋了。】 (XYS20030306) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇