◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys888.dyndns.org)◇◇ 《磨损》杂志撤销两篇中国论文的通知 摩擦学领域的著名国际学术杂志《磨损》(Wear)最近发布通知,撤销由中国作者 D.He, T.Zhang, Y.Wu于2001年在该刊发表的两篇论文。这两篇论文被发现主要 根据北京科技大学Zhijun Bai的博士论文写成,而没有经过原作者及论文的第三 作者Yinshun Wu教授的允许。 Withdraw of Papers: Wear, Vol. 249 (2001) pp. 883-891, D. He, T. Zhang and Y. Wu, "Fretting and galvanic corrosion behaviors and mechanism of Co-Cr-Mo and Ti-6Al-4V alloys' and Wear, vol. 250 (2001) pp. 180-187, D. He, T. Zhang and Y. Wu, "Mechanisms responsible for synergy between fretting and corrosion for three biomaterials in saline solution'. It has been brought to our attention that the above articless are substantially based, without the author's permission, on materials submitted in 1998 in his PhD dissertation to the Univerisity of Science and Technology, Beijing, by Dr. Zhijun Bai, and that they were submitted for publication without the knowledge of either Dr Bai, or of Professor Yinshun Wu, the third-named author. The Editor-in-Chief of Wear and Elsevier Science, who published the articles in good faith, now wish to treat these papers as withdrawn and express their disappointment at the inconvenience caused to Dr. Bai and Professor Wu. ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys888.dyndns.org)◇◇