◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 王晓东博士针对“珍奥核酸”的声明 (译文) 珍奥核酸的人,以及那些与他们有关联、为他们工作的人,都是无耻的骗子。我在 10月17-19日在大连参加一个科学会议,在车中被告知我们将到海滨打高尔夫球。 在我一无所知和未经我同意的情况下,车在“珍奥核酸”停了下来。我对此十分反 感,并拒绝做为来宾签名。 这就是事情的经过。 王晓东 (原文) The people at Zhenao Hesuan and who are associated with them and work for them are shameless cheaters. I was attending a scientific symposium at Dalian on October 17-19th and was in a car and was told that we were on a tourist trip to a beach golf course. Without any knowledge and my consent, the car stopped at Zhenao Hesuan. I was totally disgusted and refused to sign in as a guest. That's what happened. Xiaodong Wang (XYS20040107) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇