◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 【方舟子按:根据杜国同教授及其实验室成员的澄清,存档中原揭露文章的标题 改为“吉林大学电子工程学院博士王金忠剽窃他人成果”(该剽窃文章的作者单 位署的是“吉林大学电子工程学院”。】 关于“吉林大学电子工程学院院长杜国同等人剽窃他人成果”的情况说明 方舟子先生: 我出差多日,今天(4月3日)才回到长春。看到了新语丝网站关于“吉林大学电 子工程学院院长杜国同等人剽窃他人成果”的文章。现就这件事的具体情况说明 如下。并附上我及此篇文章的其他合作作者和Prof. Thomas Kuech(《晶体生长》 Journal of Crystal Growth主编)近期关于王金忠博士一事的通信内容。 王金忠,1999年6月~2002年11月期间是我的博士研究生,2002年11月通过博士 论文答辩,并于2003年1月去法国留学。出国之后与我及课题组成员再无任何科 研与业务联系,目前他具体在哪个国家及情况我们并不清楚。 Journal of Crystal Growth在2004年3月刊登了题为"Luminescence Properties of ZnO Films Annealed in Growth Ambient and Oxygen" (Journal of Crystal Growth, 263 (2004) 269–272)的论文,此论文第一作者和通信联系人 均为王金忠博士本人,文章通信联系人的email地址是wjzfrance@yahoo.com (J. Wang)。此篇文章所留联系电话(+86-431-8922331-4371)为我们实验室所用的 旧电话号码,已更改不用一年有余。 此篇文章确为王金忠博士毕业前整理成稿的,但当时我看过觉得不适合在刊物上 公开发表(其中包括发现存在引文问题),所以就把这篇稿子搁置起来了。今年 3月8日我突然收到王金忠博士通过wjzfrance@yahoo.com这个邮箱发给我的邮件, 告诉我他已把此篇文章投到Journal of Crystal Growth,并出了问题。而在此 之前,我及其余合作作者对此事毫无知晓,因为我们看不到当时还处于In press 状态的文章。在知道这件事之后,我及此篇文章的其余合作作者和Prof. Thomas Kuech(Journal of Crystal Growth主编)取得了联系,指出此篇文章为王金忠 博士在国外未征求我和文章所列其他合作作者的同意情况下,自行投稿发表的, 完全为王金忠博士的个人行为。Prof. Thomas Kuech主编对我们的信很快给了回 复。在回信中,主编就我们对这件事情迅速做出反应及维护科学出版过程诚实性 的努力表示认可(I appreciate your prompt response to this matter and your efforts to maintain the integrity of the scientific publishing process.摘自回信原文)。并说就这件事的处理结果会随时和我们保持联系。所 以我们一直在等待编辑部的处理结果,后来我们又给主编Prof. Thomas Kuech发 信询问处理结果,并要求从网站及杂志上取消这篇文章或删除我及其他合作作者 名字及单位名称。主编Prof. Thomas Kuech在4月2日的回信中,认为我及此篇文 章的其他合作作者在这件事当中是清白的(At present, we hold you and your colleagues blameless in this matter. 摘自回信原文),并同意按我们要求 的内容在杂志上刊登通告(We will publish a notice, similar to the one you suggested.摘自回信原文)。 虽然主编认为我及其他合作作者在这件事当中是清白的,但是我会以此为鉴,加 强我们学院的科学道德建设,加强对研究生的管理和学术道德教育,防止此类事 件的再次发生。 吉林大学电子科学与工程学院 杜国同 附1: 我及此篇文章的其他合作作者在得知有关此论文情况后给Prof. Thomas Kuech (Journal of Crystal Growth主编)的email原文(签字的PDF文件在附件中): 2004年3月10日 15:45 Dear Mr. Thomas F. Kuech, Dr. Jinzhong Wang was my PhD student during 1999~2002. After he graduated from Jilin University, he went to France at Jan. 2003 and he has few contacted with me since then. I don’t think it is suitable for him to publish his experiment results obtained in our lab without my permission. On 8th March, I received abruptly his email abroad by wjzfrance@yahoo.com, a free email address. Till now I don’t know where he is. The letter to him of JCG Editorial Board, his letters to you and several concerned papers was attached in his email. After my colleagues and I read carefully these letters and papers, we feel very angry. Here, I have to make several statements to this matter. First, he has not been a student of Jilin University since Nov. 2002 and the matter should be Dr. Jinzhong Wang’s individual action. The other co-authors in a list of authors were not concerned with submitting the paper. He had not informed any co-authors of submitting the paper to JCG until now. Second, we had not read Dr. Wang’s paper before received his email because we cannot read papers on JCG in press. Finally, all co-authors do not know this matter before I received his email and they are guiltless. Now we highly pay attention to the development of the matter. We greatly want to know the attitude of you and the other members of the Editorial Board towards this matter after you receiving our letter. If the Editorial Board will make a further decision, please inform us by email in advance. We look forward to hearing from the Editorial Board soon. Sincerely, Prof. Guotong Du State Key Laboratory on Integrated Opto-electronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University email address: laserlab@jlu.edu.cn Tel: 86-431-8498957 CERTIFICATION It is the certification that article published in Journal of Crystal Growth entitled “Luminescence Properties of ZnO Films Annealed in Growth Ambient and Oxygen” is the work of Dr. Wang’s personal action, and it is unconcerned with anyone of co-authors in the list below. He had not informed any co-authors of submitting the paper to JCG. Goutong Du Yuantao Zhang Baijun Zhao Xiatotian Yang Dali Liu 附2: Prof. Thomas Kuech(Journal of Crystal Growth主编)3月10日回信原文如下: 2004年3月10日 20:51 Dear Prof. Du: I would like to acknowledge the receipt of your email and attachment. I have read the letter and understand that this paper was published without prior permission or knowledge of the co-authors. Both the plagiarism and the publication of a paper without the consent of the co-authors are serious breaches of scientific and professional ethics. Such behavior, unfortunately, is becoming more common. I appreciate your prompt response to this matter and your efforts to maintain the integrity of the scientific publishing process. I will keep you informed of the Editorial Boards activities in this matter. There will be an Editorial published in the Journal concerning this matter and actions. I will send you the Editorial prior to publication. Best regards, Prof. Thomas F. Kuech Principal Editor Shoemaker Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering University of Wisconsin - Madison 附3: Prof. Thomas Kuech(Journal of Crystal Growth主编)4月2日回信原文如下: 2004年4月2日 22:15 Dear Prof. Du: I appreciate your concern. I am investigating all options in order to address this problem. At present, the legal aspects are being investigated since Dr. Wang has threatened legal action against the journal. At present, we hold you and your colleagues blameless in this matter. It is clear that the printed copies of the Journal can not be retracted. We will publish a notice, similar to the one you suggested, and I am looking into what can be done in terms of the web version on Science Direct to alter or remove the paper. I will inform you as soon as we have reached a decision with the publisher. Best regards, Prof. Thomas F. Kuech Editor 附4: 方舟子先生: 我们是Journal of Crystal Growth在2004年3月刊登的题为"Luminescence Properties of ZnO Films Annealed in Growth Ambient and Oxygen" (Journal of Crystal Growth, 263 (2004) 269–272)的作者列表中的其余合作作者。 上述这篇文章是王金忠博士于国外在未征求我们同意及我们完全未知情情况下,自行投 稿发表的,完全为王金忠博士的个人行为。 我们一直在关注着Journal of Crystal Growth编辑部对这件事情的处理,到目前为止 编辑部就王金忠这件事还没有给出结论。在目前情况下,我们认为“吉林大学电子工程 学院院长杜国同等人剽窃他人成果”的提法不妥。 吉林大学电子科学与工程学院 张源涛(Yuantao Zhang), 赵佰军(Baijun Zhao),杨小天(Xiaotian Yang), 刘大力(Dali Liu) (XYS20040403) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇