◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 暨南大学化学系系主任刘应亮的奇文 作者:蓝天六必治 方先生, 你好!最近发现署名广州暨南大学化学系刘应亮,Lei Bingfu和中国科学院长春 应用化学研究所稀土化学与物理重点实验室的石春山在即将出版的最新一期 . 上关于长余晖的文章,大段大段地抄袭了同一个中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 稀土化学与物理重点实验室的Jing Wang,Shubin Wang和苏锵发表在177(2004)895-900上的文章。刘的文章里除 Introduction和离子的发光性能部分部不一样外,其讨论部分基本和Wang的文章 一致,连英语的表达方式和语法错误都一摸一样。 同时刘的文章里修改了少许 的语法错误和为适合自己的内容改变了诸如分子式和离子的名称及少量的表达方 式。而且,估计该作者为了掩人耳目,将部分段落前后次序颠倒了。其抄袭的不 仅仅是文中内容的描述和讨论,甚至连小标题和图的说明都一样,而且所使用的 仪器和测试手段的描述都一摸一样,文献引用的数目和次序也一摸一样。而刘应 亮的文章却没有引用Wang的文章,文中内容也没有任何地方提及Wang的文章。从 发表的顺序看,Wang的文章于2003年7月4日收到,2003年9月24日接受发表,而 刘的文章是2004年3月2日收到,2004年4月20日接受发表,所以估计刘抄袭的可 能性非常大! 真是天下一奇!同一个实验室居然会有如此相似的文章却又不引用立刻拿来自己 使用的事情发生,真是天下还有羞耻二字吗?(刘是暨南大学化学系的主任) 也请问国家自然科学基金委员会,为什么在一个不大的实验室里会有两个不同的 研究小组做非常类似的研究?希望国家自然科学基金委员会的官员查一下刘文里 后面所标注的基金资助内容是否与该文的研究方向一致。 现在把这两遍文章相同的内容列出。里面有少许单词和分子式不同。同时,请特 别注意刘文里的文献,其在相应位置的文献名称和其数目与Wang文完全一致! 估计整篇里还有地方没有发现。 (1)实验部分 (a) wang文: Photoluminescence (PL) excitation and emission spectra were measured on a HITACHI F-4500 Spectro- ?uorometer equipped with monochromator (resolution: 0.2 nm) and 150W Xe lamp..... 刘文: Photoluminescence (PL) excitation and emission spectra were measured on a Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer equipped with a monochromator (resolution: 0.2 nm) and 150 W Xe lamp... (b)Wang 文: The LLP emission spectra and decay curves were detected as follows: immediately after being irradiated for 5 min by UV lamp..... 刘文: The long-lasting phosphorescence (LLP) emission spectra and afterglow intensity decay curves were measured on the same Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer and were detected as follows: immediately after having irradiated for 1 min by the 243-nm UV light of the Xe lamp.... (3)Wang 文: Thermoluminescence (TL) spectra were measured on FJ-427A TL meter (Beijing Nuclear Instrument Factory). Before measuring, powder samples were ?rst..... The heating rate was fixed at 2 K/s within the temperature range from 293 to 773 K. All measurements except TL spectra were performed at room temperature. 刘文: Thermoluminescence (TL) spectra were measured on a FJ-427A TL meter (Beijing Nuclear Instrument Factory). Before measurement, the powder samples were first ...... The heating rate was fixed at 2 K/s within the temperature range from 293 to 673 K. All measurements except TL spectra were performed at room temperature. (2)结果与讨论: (a) Wang文: The glow curves of stoichiometric and 2 mol% Zn2+-rich samples are shown in Fig. 4a. Three peaks are clearly observed in stoichiometric sample. One peak predominates at 385 K, and the other two peaks are situated at 450 and 510 K, respectively....For the sample with additional 2 mol% Zn2+ ions, one peak predominates at 343 K, and the other two shoulders dominate at 385 and 450K, respectively. 刘文: The glow curves of stoichiometric and 0.5-10 mol % Dy3+ ions doped CdSiO3 samples are shown in Figure 6; at least two peaks are clearly observed in the stoichiometric sample (the dashed line curve 8). One peak predominates at 418 K, and another is situated at 358 K. For the samples with 0.5-10 mol % Dy3+ ions, (b) Wang文: With the careful comparison between glow curves shown in Fig. 4a, we think that there exist the same defects in the two samples, and that these defects may be mainly ascribed to the intrinsic defects in the host since they almost have the same peak position except TL intensity. For the peak at 343 K, the defect may be ascribed to oxygen vacancy that usually appears in the oxide host when a sample is sintered at reducing atmosphere.... 刘文: With the careful comparison among the glow curves shown in Figure 6, we think that the same defects exist in the CdSiO3:Dy3+ and the undoped samples since they almost have the same peak position except for TL intensity. For the TL peak at 358 K, the defect may be ascribed to the (O3tSitO3) trap that usually appears in the defect centers,..... (c) Wang 文 From the viewpoint of the defects chemistry, this means that... 刘文 From the viewpoint of defects chemistry, this means that.... (d)Wang 文 ....resulting in enhancement of TL intensity of the peak at 343 K. Indeed the enhancement of TL intensity of the peak at 343K is clearly observed..... 刘文: ....resulting in enhancement of the TL intensity of the peak at 358 K. Indeed, enhancement of the TL intensity of the peak at 358 K is very sensitive and is clearly observed.. (e)Wang文 In the following, the possible mechanism of red LLP of Mn2+ in b-Zn3(PO4)2 will be discussed in detail. A competitively trapping model is proposed to interpret the signi?cant role of excess Zn2+ ions in the improvement of red LLP of Mn2+ in b-Zn3(PO4)2 based on those results mentioned above. 刘文: In the following, the possible mechanism of complex white LLP of CdSiO3: Dy3+ phosphors will be discussed in detail based on those results mentioned above. (f) Wang文 This is reasonably explained by the simultaneous increase of the amount of oxygen vacancy corresponding to the shoulder peak at 343K as shown in curve 1 of Fig. 4b. 刘文: This is reasonably explained by the simultaneous increase of the amount of electron traps corresponding to the TL peak at 358 K as shown in Figure 6. (g) 以下更是惊奇!整整一大段! Wang文: The first one is trap depth of oxygen vacancy. Usually, information of traps distribution can be obtained by TL measurements. The shallower the charge trap is, the lower the temperature of TL peak is [33]. For LLP material, one significant factor is the suitable trap depth that is related to temperature of TL peak [12,34,35]. If the depth of electron trap is too deep, the electrons will be strongly bound at the trap. On the contrary, if the depth of electron trap is too shallow, the electrons will be more easily released from the trap. Therefore, both traps mentioned above do not contribute to the LLP. To the best of our knowledge, the predominant peak is situated slightly above room temperature if materials show high LLP performance. Therefore, the peak at 343 K, induced by oxygen vacancy, is preferred as the electron trap with suitable depth responsible for improvement of red LLP performance of Mn2+ ion in the present sample. In the stoichiometric sample, the amount of defect A is relatively larger than that of oxygen vacancy from the viewpoint of defects distribution as shown in curve 6 of Fig. 4a. Hence, most electrons are competitively captured by defect A with deeper depth instead of oxygen vacancy, resulting in high TL intensity of the peak at 385K and poor performance of red LLP of Mn2+. However, Zn2+ ions in excess of 2 mol% results in increasing amount of oxygen vacancy and therefore induces enhancement of TL intensity of the peak at 343 K, which is clearly indicated in glow curve 3 of Fig. 4a. The increasing amount of oxygen vacancy directly results in the increasing of its ability for trapping electrons compared to the other intrinsic defects, especially defect A. Thus, most electrons are trapped at oxygen vacancy in the procedure of competitively trapping. And the improvement of red LLP performance of Mn2+ is clearly observed in the decay curve 3 of Fig. 3. Another factor is concentration of electron trap, i.e., oxygen vacancy in the present samples. Generally, the amount of electrons captured at the trap, which is proportional to that of the electron trap under the optimal concentration, can determine the LLP property if the depth of the electron trap is kept constant [8,12]. Thus the increasing amount of electron trap will result in the improvement of LLP to some extent. For the purpose of con?rming this hypothesis, a series of samples doped with excess Zn2+ ions was prepared. The decay and glow curves are measured under the same condition. These results are shown in Figs. 3 and 4b, respectively. 刘文: The first one is trap depths. Usually, the shallower the charge trap, the lower the temperature of the TL peak.24 For LLP material, one significant factor is suitable trap depth that is related to the temperature of the TL peak[ 25-27]. If the depth of the electron trap is too deep, the electrons will be strongly bound at the trap. In contrast, if the depth of the electron trap is too shallow, the electrons will be more easily released from the trap. Therefore, both traps mentioned above do not contribute to the LLP phenomenon. To the best of our knowledge, the predominant peak is situated slightly above room temperature if the materials show high LLP performance. Therefore, the TL peak at 358 K, corresponding to the (O3-Si-O3) traps, is preferred as the electron trap with suitable depth responsible for LLP performance in the present sample. In the stoichiometric sample, the amount of (O3-Si-O3) traps is relatively lower than that of the V???Cd from the viewpoint of defects distribution as shown in curve 8 of Figure 6. However, the introduction of RE3+ ions into the CdSiO3 matrix results in an increasing amount of (O3-Si-O3) traps and therefore induces enhancement of TL intensity of the peak at 358 K. Hence, most electrons are captured by electron traps with shallower depth instead of V???Cd, resulting in high TL intensity of the peak at 358 K, which is clearly indicated in glow curves 1-7 of Figure 6. Thus, the obvious LLP performance of CdSiO3:Dy3+ is clearly observed. Another factor is concentration of electron traps, that is, the (O3=Si=O3) in the present samples. Generally, the amount of electrons captured at the trap, which is proportional to that of the electron trap under the optimal concentration, can determine the LLP property if the depth of the electron trap is kept constant. [1,27] Thus, the increasing amount of electron trap will result in the improvement of LLP to some extent. For the purpose of confirming this hypothesis, the concentration dependence of the 580-nm PL emission intensity and the 358 K TL emission intensity of CdSiO3:Dy3+ phosphors are measured under the same conditions. These results are shown in Figure 7. (h) Wang文: From Fig. 4b, it is clearly observed that the position of two major peaks at 343 and 385K does not change the concentration of excess Zn2+ ions as increases. This indicates that the chemical nature of defects related to these two peaks is not changed, which is ascribed to oxygen vacancy and intrinsic defect A for peaks at 343 and 385 K, respectively. When additional 0.5 mol% Zn2+ ions are doped into the host, the predominant peak is still situated at 385 K, and the improvement of red LLP performance of Mn2+ is also observed in decay curve 1 of Fig. 3. 刘文: From Figure 6, it is clearly observed that the position of two TL peaks at 358 and 418 K does not change when the concentration of Dy3+ ions increases. This indicates that the chemical nature of defects related to these two peaks is not changed, which is ascribed to electron traps and VCd for peaks at 358 and 418 K, respectively. When 0.5 mol % Dy3+ ions are doped into the host, the predominant peak is changed from 418 K of the undoped sample to 358 K, and the TL intensity ratio between the 358 and 418 K peaks increased consistently before the Dy3+ dopant up to 5%. (i) Wang文 Additionally, it is clearly observed from Figs. 4b and 5 that TL intensity of the peak at 343K ?rst increases as the amount of excess Zn2+ ions is up to 1mol%, and then decreases as the amount of excess Zn2+ ions further increases. Such concentration effects are ascribed to the relationship between retrapping probability and concentration of oxygen vacancy. The retrapping probability may be negligible in the region of lower concentration, and becomes predominant in the region of higher concentration. This phenomenon is similar to the concentration quenching of activator in the ?eld of PL, which is due to the reabsorption of the activator. 刘文: Additionally, it is clearly observed from Figure 6 that TL quenching of the peak at 358 K occurs when the amount of Dy3+ ions is up to 5 mol %. Such concentration effects are ascribed to the relationship between retrapping probability and concentration of electron traps. The retrapping probability may be negligible in the region of lower concentration and becomes predominant in the region of higher concentration. This phenomenon is similar to the concentration quenching of the activator in the field of PL, which is due to the re-absorption of the activator. (3) 结论部分 Wang文 After the removal of irradiation source, the red LLP of Mn2+ predominant at 616nm can be visible for about 2 h in the limit of light perception for naked eye (0.32 mcd/m2). The TL peak situated at 343K is assigned to oxygen vacancy, a significant electron trap … 刘文: After removal of the irradiation source, the white LLP of CdSiO3:Dy3+ phosphor can be visible for about 5 h in the limit of light perception by the naked eye (0.32 mcd/m2)…..The TL peak situated at 358 K is assigned to the electron traps. (XYS20040604) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇