◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 读者评论朱建阳-朱涵事件(二) 毕竟出国太久了,不了解国情,不知道中国学术腐败已经扩散到本科生层次。 这几天才了解到,这种替子女制造论文的现象在国内其实并不罕见,有的 是直接的,有的是间接的(通过两名教授交换照顾对方子女的方式),目的 都是为了把子女打扮成在本科生阶段就能做前沿研究的科学天才,以便于 申请美国名牌大学。只不过没有做得像朱氏父子这么过分,又这么张扬而已。 中国考生的托福、GRE成绩都高得惊人,靠比这方面的分数已无优势,如果 有父母负责替子女制造论文,才能保证上美国名牌大学。所以子女负责努力 背英语考好试,父母负责制造论文,分工合作,其他学生只能怪自己没有一 个好爸爸了。 (方舟子) 其实这样的事大概10多年前就碰到过, 我一个大学同学, 不过那个有些模糊, 因为是休学期间,父子的专业又很近, 据说也帮着做了些实验,最后有那么一篇文章发了, 不过阴错阳差拿了奖学 金却未走成, 以后大概还是走了。 假如这个成了风气, 或许很多搞科研的父母都这样替还在上学的子女发文章, 那么将来真出现1篇不够来3-4篇, 行情见涨,朱氏这种出8篇10篇的就不稀奇 了。 可惜聪明反被聪明误, 过于超前, 把行情搞坏了。 (Quatsch) 朱涵这种父子档绝不是个别现象, 在各大学恐怕是普遍现象,原来在国内茶余饭后也常听说, 但象朱涵这样吹牛吹得离谱的,倒是第一个. (最绿的青蛙) 其实这种父母帮孩子出文章在中国很常见(如果父母有这个条件的话。),光我身边的就 有3,4起,只不过一般当事人都比较低调,赚到便宜就行了嘛。像朱涵这样大张旗鼓的确 实少见。原本大家只是猜测,结果出了个声明,反倒露出马脚了。 (prius) 以前我有个同学,也是他爸带了他两篇,联系出国的。 (lingzhy) 我一硕士同学也是,老爸是博导,有关系,在国内计算机的一个权威期刊上搞了一篇 然后顺利申请了一名牌,其实这同学实在不咋地 (theking) 这个跟考试作弊没有区别,甚至还要恶劣 因为问题从学习上升到了科学研究 (JZ) 邓小平说“科学技术是第一生产力,电脑要从娃娃抓起”,学术腐败也是如此。 (oxymoron) 看样子打假的方法是大家都作假 推荐信没用了,GRE§TOEFL没用了,以后发表论文 也没用了,大家预测下一部的作假领域是什么? (HunHunSheng) 偶所知道的。。。 偶一同学,她妈是一大学的教授兼实验室主任,在她本科时就把实验室的论文挂上她的名 字,到她在国内读研时,就已挂了好多篇了,於是顺利的到了一名校读博,在此期间,靠 这些论文又很容易申请了NIW。 另外一件事,有的实验室中国人很多,大家就互相挂名,这样文章数量就DOUBLE了,放在 简历上,找工作,作FACUKTY,多是WIN-WIN。可偶觉得这样下去,风气也就坏了 (ZT) 建议北师大胡岗杨展如黄祖洽等都来帮助朱涵发表文章 本坛各位,有文章的出文章,有EMAIL的出EMAIL,让全世界人们 看一看黄祸的厉害。 全中国人们团结起来,把科学造假推向新高潮。 (吴聊) 希望这一打能起到一些作用。 (大胖星) 你这是真话还是假话呢,切 如果大家结成一个同盟,你照顾我的子女,我照顾他的子女,他 照顾你的子女。在大家的共同关心下孩子们得到了最好的发展, 难道你个大胖星就不乐意,嗯----。 最关键的是朋友要多,朱教授要有几个铁杆朋友组成多边形,谁 能说三道四。 (吴聊) 可能“分赃不均”,而且互相落下把柄 做这种事要得就是“见不得人”。 (EYU) 我也奇怪老朱教授好歹也是个博导,可最近的文章尽是跟儿子合作的, 他自个的学生哪去了?还有,小朱同学在Phys Rev上的那些文章都可 以在网上全文阅读。在文章末尾的致谢里,分明说该研究项目得到了 国家自然科学基金的支持。如果象小朱同学所说,这些研究基本都是 他在南大简陋的宿舍中搞出来的话,那国家的这些钱都哪去了,让老 朱咪了? (Sidewinder) 为朱同学出个圆场的主义 更多的相关的评论我已经看到了。朱本人的辩解里面本身就有许多不自恰的地方。朱除了 承认错误,从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起来之外,还可以采用以下历史证明是行之有效的办法: 1.爱国;记得陈晓宁闹剧的最后收场就是官方宣称“她起码是爱国的嘛!” 2.为反方扣上“反华”的帽子,记得当年杨兰、吴征为自己辩护时就使用了“境外反动势 力”的称谓,并滑稽的在自家新浪网公布警察油箱:police@vip.sina.com;朱同学是不 是也要设置一个呢?不过police@hotmail.com已经被注册过了。 ... 呵呵 (钉凯) "红眼病"的公德 有人说坛子里这么多人在起哄大多是得了红眼病。其实大家都是国内学缸里泡出 来的,那里的学术环境又不是不知道。开门说瞎话,闭门造文章。打假打假,要 打就打在痛处。那些发了EMAIL的,说他们阴也罢损也罢,只要材料不添油加醋, 各校自会判断。这位朱同学如能证明文章是真材实料,自会让这帮妒贤嫉能的红 眼病白操了这回心。 要是大家都知道,这里时时有又毒又损的“红眼病”在伺候,那些偷鸡摸狗的人 至少不敢这么张扬。 (泡沫泡沫) 国家的悲哀阿 正因为中国阳萎,才使得老方这样的人挺身而出。 否则用得着吗? (Whatever) 其实,小猪的行为就是一个活脱脱的剽窃呀 和同学的闲聊小猪的事情,他们毫不犹豫地得出题目的结论。 可以说,考虑到一个本科生的前途不应该这么打假。(然而,如果是像 猜测那样的东西如果没有受到惩戒,怎么给其他即将去米国的本科生, 以及留在国内奋斗的本科生又会产生什么影响呢??)但是,合理的怀 疑还是可以有的吧?? 本来不是学物理的,我似乎不应该凑这个热闹。顺手问了一个物理系的 哥儿们,马上得到了回信—— “I think it is extremly unlikly for a physics undergrad to produce nine papers. Perhaps one or two on there final year project but they would only be co-authors. Hope this is helpful” (DEMO) 就朱涵论文问题致所有做父亲的人们 中国几千年的家长制给做父亲的人们遗下很多恶习,其中之一 就在是给子女们东西时老想拽着个尾巴。比如我父亲就是这样, 早就许愿十间大瓦房我们三兄弟每人三间,可到现在房证还在他 自己手里。要是早几年连房证给了我们,说不定我早就卖了。 朱涵的事情又是一生动事例,其父亲既然将论文给了儿子,就不 要挂什么名了吧,如果自己不挂任何名,甚至连感谢都抹得干干 净净,别人怎么能打得了这个假。 (吴聊) 美国真是害人阿 像朱涵这样有潜质的学生考了两次G 我觉得只要考一次G,专业学习就要落后一次 这是我通过对周围同学的观察得出的,只是个人感觉。 (conner) the Zhu Han case is not that outrageous considering the environment in China academia now. It is very wrong to commit this kind of fraud, but it is almost natural to do this given the dominant culture of cheating. Just like corruptions, it is almost unnatural for someone who has power not to participate these days in China. In this sense, I support XYS 100%. (chouqilozi) 其实朱涵的事情,重点还是要放在朱建阳身上 我相信,一切的一切,始作俑者是朱建阳。小朱同学大一的时候GRE就能考满分 了。说明老朱对小朱的未来早就设计好了,自幼就让小朱在英语上下功夫。学 术上,老朱更是亲自操刀上阵。自己的文章先让小朱也署上名,当然同时也在 学术上进行一些辅导,让他入门。老朱这几年的重要的文章几乎都是跟小朱合 作的。作为博士生导师,他的博士生做的工作呢?把精力都给了自己的儿子, 忽视对自己学生的培养,对得起学生,对得起北师大吗? (Sidewinder) 嗯,我也认为这事主要应该打击朱建阳... 他的教子无道应付主要责任.至于小朱,本着治病救人之目的,先行警告一下为好. 给这个幼稚的年轻人一个改过自新的机会. (Fermi) 做事情要一步步来,先走完第一步,再走第二步 俺觉得你说的是第二步的事。 但是俺觉得这第一步还没做完,那就是朱氏父子破坏了游戏规则从而妨害 了广大玩主的公平竞争的权利同时也伤害了广大玩家的感情,因此,必须 要首先捍卫游戏规则的权威性。对于敢于犯规的人,就是要把他们打翻在 地再踏上亿万之脚。所谓惩前毖后,方能治病救人。特别是针对目前的具 体案例,小朱理直气壮地指出众人皆醉他老独醒,东拉西扯欲盖弥彰之能 事,在这个背景下您老提的治病救人就有东郭先生盲目博爱的嫌疑:人家 根本就没有觉得自己有病,而且不光没病,反而是特茁壮,您老还嘟嘟囔 囔什么治病救人,这不是自作多情嘛。 (noboru) 俺觉得最大的可能是这父子之外还有一帮倒霉研究生 做苦力呢。对这些人的剽窃才是最恶劣的地方,呵呵, 这件事的结果……老朱一发怒:你们几个都给我儿子陪葬, 都甭想拿学位了! (Mr. Yes) 查个头 出paper就他们爷两, 弄到现在这地步了, 怎么都把故事编圆了. 小朱脑子再不灵, 现在 也把paper里点东西搞下来了, 何况他也不象笨人. 看着吧, 查不出任何东西. (chinesechess) 其实打假的目的已经在很大程度上达到了,绝大多数人心里对于当事人和学校已经 有了评价。法律上的正式的行动,只是打假功效的一部分而已。 (Rich) several thoughts on Han Zhu Hi, I am a loyal reader of xys.org. So let me congraulate on your wonderful and challenging work on purifying research ethnics in Chinese scientific community. I have several comments on the recent Han Zhu event: 1. I used to study in Southeast University (also in Nanjing) and knew of a lot of good physics professors in Nanjing University ( NeiBen Ming, Duan Feng, to name a few). I respected the integrity and intellectual excellence of that physics department very much. 2. It is not very difficult to publish papers in non-experimental physics. I was told (about 10 years ago) by a well-known physicist, who sighed about the quality of many physics papers, "It is all down to calculation instead of ingeneous ideas." It is entirely possible for an above-average graduate student to have impressive publishing record, if he and his advisor know how to write, where to submit, in addition to be scientifically diligent. (I study Computer Science in a reputable school here in USA and I know of good physics students who are able to do that). 3. That said, it is almost to the level of being suspicious that Han Zhu can do so too. 3.1 It is harder for an undergraduate student to match graduate students. Not because of intelligence, but merely on the consideration of available time and energy. Graduate students are paid to be full-time researchers. Undergruates, on the other hand, have a full variety of distractions. 3.2. It is nearly unethnical for father-son to jointly publish papers especially the son is such a junior-level researcher (if he is even one). It leads to totally misrepresentation of each author's contribution to the work. I think there is legal term in US justic system. It is in Latin but its meaning is "inapprpriate in appearance". For example, if the judge is a remote relative of a prosecutor or a prosecuted person, the judge should excuse him/herself merely based on "inappropriate in apperance" to ensure there is no "perceived injustice". The same principle is applicable to scientific authorship. Although it is not explicitly spelled out in any manual, it is almost a commonsense for people to avoid situations like that. 3.3. I have heard of so many bad stories about Chinese graduate students make up their resarch experience in graduate application procedures, on the sole purpose to impress others and to secure admissions. That is not only pathetic, dishonest and totally detrimental to scientifc research in a whole. I don't know what was said in Mr. Zhu's personal statement. But he should have suggested that his father is a collaborator instead of just an ordinary peer scientist. 3.4. As a footnote to Mr. Han Zhu's own defense, his argument could be more convincing if he could know that, his senior research work is being considered for publication. From my limited training in physics, it seems to be that senior project is quite different from what he has been doing. Therefore, the best way to demonstrate that he himself is an excellent researcher is to show that his independent work is also acknowledged by scientific community in large. 4. Mr. Zhu might be a very talented student and possibly a prodigy. However, rules must be followed in the quest of being a responsible and honest scientist. I can feel that both himself and his father fall way much too short of the high standard. Now, the $1million question is, what to do with this kind of behaviour? (best) people need to be honest before he wants to be a scientist. today he can utilize his relationship to get some publications, tomorrow he probably will still use those publications and even more to get faculty positions in US. they are just way too wrong and greedy if he doesn't deserve those first-authorship. (wonderlich) (XYS20040306) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇