◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 回复:御谐“钱世锷的异议得到了答复” Novice 今日从御谐的文章(XYS20041110)了解到钱世锷的异议的确从教育部得到了答复。 御谐打电话向当事人钱世锷先生咨询此事是在意料之外,在此表示感谢!不过, 教育部的答复却是意料之中的。 “...投稿的内容只是其博士论文的一部分,所以并不影响其2004年全国优秀博 士学位论文的评选结果...”,证据何在?把博士论文拉出来遛遛,让大家看看 是骡子是马??从“以小人之心度君子之腹”的角度主观臆测,这篇优秀论文极 有可能又是一个权力交易的恶果! 根据御谐提供的信息知,此篇论文应该出自清华大学。今年清华大学有9篇论文 入选(详见http://www.cdgdc.edu.cn/yxbslw/pxjg/2004/2004ybdw.htm),研 究内容属于IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing发表范畴的入选论文有两篇。 以下是在网上获取的信息,请大家明察秋毫,更希望知情者提供线索: 一是信息与通信工程专业的 秦晓懿,导师 曾烈光,题目:接入系统中复用技术 若干问题的研究 据学生和导师姓名查web of science(2篇,第一作者1篇): [1] H. S. Wang, X. Y. Qin, L. G. Zeng, and F. Q. Xiong, "Coding, Decoding, and Recovery of Clock Synchronization in Digital Multiplexing System," Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 51, pp. 825-831, 2003. [2] X. Y. Qin, H. S. Wang, L. G. Zeng, and F. Q. Xiong, "An All-Digital Clock-Smoothing Technique - Counting-Prognostication," Ieee Transactions on Communications, vol. 51, pp. 166-169, 2003. 二是控制科学与工程专业的 邹红星,导师 李衍达(清华大学信息科学技术学院 院长),题目:参数化时频信号表示研究 据学生和导师姓名查web of science(9篇,其中八篇国内) [1] H. X. Zou, D. J. Wang, Q. H. Dai, and Y. D. Li, "Svd Row or Column Symmetric Matrix," Chinese Science Bulletin, vol. 45, pp. 2042-2044, 2000. [2] Q. H. Dai, H. X. Zou, Z. X. Liu, and Y. D. Li, "Properties of Chirplet Transform," Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 10, pp. 423-427, 2001. [3] H. X. Zou, Q. G. Dai, R. M. Wang, and Y. D. Li, "Parametric Tfr Via Windowed Exponential Frequency Modulated Atoms," Ieee Signal Processing Letters, vol. 8, pp. 140-142, 2001. [4] H. X. Zou, X. G. Lu, Q. H. Dai, and Y. D. Li, "Nonexistence of Cross-Term Free Time-Frequency Distribution with Concentration of Wigner-Ville Distribution," Science in China Series F, vol. 45, pp. 174-180, 2002. [5] H. X. Zou, Q. H. Dai, K. Zhao, G. M. Chen, and Y. D. Li, "Subspaces of Fm(M)Let Transform," Science in China Series F, vol. 45, pp. 152-160, 2002. [6] Q. H. Dai, H. X. Zou, Z. X. Liu, D. J. Wang, and Y. D. Li, "Properties and Convergence Analysis of Fm(M)Let Transform," Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, vol. 45, pp. 152-159, 2002. [7] H. X. Zou, D. J. Wang, Q. H. Dai, and Y. D. Li, "Qr Factorization for Row or Column Symmetric Matrix," Science in China Series a-Mathematics, vol. 46, pp. 83-90, 2003. [8] H. X. Zou, Q. H. Dai, D. J. Wang, and Y. D. Li, "Relations of Fm(M)Let Transform to Some Integral Transforms," Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 13, pp. 278-282, 2004. [9] H. X. Zou, D. J. Wang, Q. H. Dai, and Y. D. Li, "Real, Discrete, and Real Discrete Fm(M)Let Transforms," Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 13, pp. 8-11, 2004. (XYS20041111) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇