◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 《揭露北京工业大学硕士研究生曾毅的剽窃行径》(XYS20041211)一文中被抄袭对象 "sir"来函澄清,他不是耶鲁大学副教授,当时是耶鲁大学计算机科学系的博士生。 correction about the position of "sir" Dear Dr. Fang, I am "sir" mentioned in the following article: http://www.xys.org/xys/ebooks/others/science/dajia5/zengyi.txt I must make it clear that I am *NOT* an associate professor at Yale. In fact, I just graduated from the PhD program at Yale computer science department this summer. Currently, I am working as a DIMACS/Stevens joint postdoc and hold an assistant professor position at SUNY Buffalo (to be started in fall 2005): http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~szhong/ Sincerely yours, Sheng Zhong (XYS20041212) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇