◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 北师大胡永建、中国农大杨正宏教授疯狂自我抄袭:3篇文章发表8次 数学论文一声怒吼 方先生, 你好,一直很敬重你坚持着这项正义的事业,对净化国内的学术土壤具有重要的 作用。 实在让人觉得忍无可忍!----不需要专门的专业知识,就能认定的数学专业论文 的自我抄袭。而且他们明目张胆,不再是小偷小摸,挑战公众。 一、1篇论文4次发表 先看下面的四篇文章,来源于大家都很熟悉的美国数学评论的检索 (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet 下同) 1. Yang, ZhengHong; Wang, LaiSheng; Hu, YongJian, Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices. J. Comput.Appl. Math. 180 (2005), no. 2, 229--243. Received 19 May 2004. Available online 9 December 2004. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03770427 2. Yang, ZhengHong; Wang, LaiSheng; Hu, YongJian; Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices. J.Comput. Appl. Math. 177 (2005), no. 1, 1 —15. Received 7 July 2003. Available online 1 October 2004. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03770427 3. Yang, Zheng-Hong; Hu, Yong-Jian; Confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices: displacement structures, inversion formulas and fast algorithm. Linear Algebra Appl. 382 (2004), 61—82 Received 13 July 1999; accepted 17 November 2003 Submitted by R.A. Brualdi Available online 10 March 2004. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00243795 4. Yang, Zheng Hong; Chen, Gong Ning; Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for confluent polynomial Vandermonde-like matrices. (Chinese) Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao 37 (2001), no. 6, 726--731. (1)文1和文2完全一样,而且发表在同一杂志(还是SCI)。真叫个胆大妄为! 估计数学评论也已经知道这是抄袭,只给了没有署名的“摘要”评论(注意:一 般情况是即使“摘要”评论,也是有评论员署名的) (2)其实文1和文2都是文3的节选,注意是节选!你只要稍微花2分钟就能在文3 中找到文1和文2的所有文字版块。 (3)文4没有网络版,没有看到原文,但仅仅从题目来看应该是同样的内容。留 待高人补充。 二、 将文章节选再发表 5, Yang, Zheng-Hong; Hu, Yong-Jian; Displacement structure approach to Cauchy and Cauchy-Vandermonde matrices: inversion formulas and fast algorithms. J. Comput.Appl. Math. 138 (2002), no. 2, 259--272. Received 2 September 2000; revised 22 February 2001. Available online 15 November 2001. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03770427 6.MR1751130 (2001c:15035) Yang, Zheng-Hong; Chen, Gong-Ning Generalized-confluent Cauchy and Cauchy-Vandermonde matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 308 (2000), no. 1-3, 31—64. Received 10 January 1999; accepted 22 November 1999. Available online 4 August 2000. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00243795 (1) 文5是文6的节选。你只要稍微花2分钟就能在文6中找到文5的所有 文字版块。 (2) 文5的评论员已经指出了这一抄袭,我们就来读一下评论 The authors study confluent Cauchy and Cauchy-Vandermonde matrices using the displacement-structure approach. They show that such matrices satisfy matrix equations of the Sylvester type. For example, the confluent Cauchy matrix $C(c,d)$ associated with the vectors of nodes $c$ and $d$ satisfies $$J(c)C(c,d) -C(c,d)J(d)^{\ssf T}=z y^{\ssf T}, $$ where $J(c)$ and $J(d)$ are Jordan block-matrices, and $z$ and $y$ are certain column vectors. The authors derive algorithms for the solution of systems of equations with Cauchy and Cauchy-Vandermonde coefficient matrices from the Gaussian elimination algorithms introduced by Gohberg, Kailath, and Olshevsky for systems whose coefficient matrices have a low displacement rank. The results in this paper are very similar to the results in \ref[Z. H. Yang\ and G. N. Chen, Linear Algebra Appl. 308 (2000), no. 1-3, 31--64; MR1751130 (2001c:15035)]. Reviewed by Luis Verde-Star http://www.ams.org/msnmain?fmt=doc&fn=105&id=1876234&l=100&pg3=IID&r=1 3&s3=320675&v3=Yang%2C%20ZhengHong 三、 中文发表后再英文发表 7 Yang, ZhengHong; Hu, YongJian; Displacement structures and fast inversion formulas for $q$-adic Vandermonde-like matrices. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 176 (2005), no. 1, 1—14. 8. Yang, Zheng Hong; Hu, Yong Jian; Chen, Gong Ning; Displacement structures and inversion formulas for $q$-adic Vandermonde-like matrices. (Chinese) Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao 39 (2003), no. 2, 153--158. (1)文8没有网络版,没有看到原文,有待网友进一步验证。 (2)但文7和文8题目一样,内容不太可能不同,而且文7也不象研究快报之类, 其实中文期刊常登几页的文章。他们另外有两篇文章题目一样,但可以认为其中 一篇是 研究快报(1页),就没有在这里提及了。 四、 小结:关于本文的题目 (1)遵循方先生打假的原则,打名气大的,北师大自然是得排在前面。同样, 有一新作者在文1和文2中加入,估计是学生,以教育为主,责任应该在教授。 (2)北师大也是百年老店了,一直有着良好的学术声誉和传统。出个这样的学 术垃圾,确实有损形象。 (3)这是恶意的多次发表多篇论文,不应该仅仅称为一稿多投,叫自我抄袭更 为恰当。 (4)只是顺手查查就有这么多问题,有兴趣的数学高手不妨更深入一些。 (5)胡永建、杨正宏的中文名字是分别在这两个学校的网页上找到的,其中杨 正宏是教授,硕导,指导2位研究生;胡永建的职称没有详细的介绍。不知道两 位教授凭这 些抄袭的论文得到多少利益,有待高手深入调查。至少这些文章得 到过自然科学基金的资助(No.10271018)。 Attached files: 1)paper 1,2,3.5,6.7 2)publication lists of Hu and Yang, in mathematical review(MathSciNet http://www.ams.org/mathscinet). (XYS20051220) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇