◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ 上海交大电子系论文抄袭被ELECTRONICS LETTERS发文通报 新语丝看客 根据《上海交通大学学报》2004,38卷增刊上的论文“自适应判决门限PN码混合 捕获方案”(作者:宋阳,胡光锐,刘烨),抄袭论文的作者应该是宋阳和胡光 锐。 ELECTRONICS LETTERS 14th April 2005 Vol. 41 No. 8 A note on plagiarism Electronics Letters prides itself on its rigorous peer review process that is essential to ensure the high standard of the short research papers that are published. A huge number of researchers across the spectrum of electronic science and engineering give up their valuable time to provide expert opinions on the quality and originality of the Letters that are submitted. However, this process is not totally infallible, and on very rare occasions, a paper may slip through to be published that is not entirely original or does not give due recognition to previous work. In the most serious of these cases, a plagiarism occurs. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is extremely serious and these cases need to be publicised as they have an impact on the integrity of the journal. Unfortunately one such case has recently been brought to our attention by H. Goldman, the author of the original work, who has written the following on the matter: The following claim was made in a recent paper by Y. Song and G. Hu [1]: ‘In this Letter, we introduce the excision CFAR (E-CFAR) method . . . ’. The Excision CFAR Detector has indeed been introduced in an IEE publication, but it was not in [1]. The original papers on the Excision Detector were published in the IEE Proceedings in 1988 [2] and 1990 [3]. The paper by Song and Hu [1] is an unfortunate example of plagiarism. Considerable portions of [1] were copied verbatim, sentence-by-sentence and equation-by-equation, from the two original papers which were not included in the list of references. Of the ten equations in [1], eight equations were reproduced from [2] and [3]. Consequently, if the plagiarised material in [1] is extracted, very little remains. References 1 Song, Y., and Hu, G.: ‘Adaptive acquisition of PN code using excision CFAR detector in multipath fading mobile channels’, Electronics Letters, 40, (5), 4 March 2004, pp. 338–339 2 Goldman, H., and Bar-David, I.: ‘Analysis and applications of the excision CFAR detector’, IEE Proceedings, Part F, December 1988, pp. 563–575 3 Goldman, H.: ‘Performance of the excision CFAR detector in the presence of interferers’,IEE Proceedings, Part F, June 1990, pp. 163 –171 The Editors of Electronics Letters would like to apologise to H. Goldman for this serious incident, although thankfully it is a rare occurrence in over forty years of the publication. (XYS20050520) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇