◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇ 徐沪济教授的牛皮 作者:fishman 首先说明的一点徐教授这里的疟疾疫苗是指红内期疫苗,这是不能覆盖整个疟疾 疫苗的,因为还有肝期的疫苗。若用Xu H & malaria 或 Xu H & Plasmodium检 索Medline,可以得到15篇相关文章,其中的4,5不是徐教授,是另一个人;两篇 中文文献不好判断。剩余的文献里徐教授第一作者两篇,无通讯作者,无并列第 一。 1: Good MF, Xu H, Wykes M, Engwerda CR. Annu Rev Immunol. 2005;23:69-99. 2: Kang WM, Yang RZ, Huang RZ, Xu HQ, Xie C, Liu QH, Ye JS, Xi YH.Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi. 1984;2(4):263-4. Chinese. 3: Good MF, Stanisic D, Xu H, Elliott S, Wykes M.Immunol Rev.2004 Oct;201:254-67. 4: Chen X, Xiao B, Shi W, Xu H, Gao K, Rao J, Zhang Z. 2003 Dec;116(12):1810-20. 5: Chen X, Xiao B, Xu H, Shi W, Gao K, Rao J. 2003 Jul;116(7):1016-21. 6: Makobongo MO, Riding G, Xu H, Hirunpetcharat C, Keough D, de Jersey J, Willadsen P, Good MF. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Mar 4;100(5):2628-33. 7: Xu H.Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing Za Zhi. 1999;17(4):221. 8: Wipasa J, Xu H, Makobongo M, Gatton M, Stowers A, Good MF. Infect Immun. 2002 Nov;70(11):6013-20. 9: Wipasa J, Elliott S, Xu H, Good MF. 2002 Oct;80(5):401-14. Review. 10: Wipasa J, Hirunpetcharat C, Mahakunkijcharoen Y, Xu H, Elliott S, Good MF. J Immunol. 2002 Jul 15;169(2):944-51. 11: Zhang W, Liu XQ, Xu H, Good MF. 2002 May;24(5):233-41. 12: Good MF, Xu H, Batzloff M. Int J Parasitol. 2002 May;32(5):575-80. Review. 13: Xu H, Wipasa J, Yan H, Zeng M, Makobongo MO, Finkelman FD, Kelso A, Good MF. 2002 Apr 1;195(7):881-92. 14: Wipasa J, Xu H, Stowers A, Good MF. J Immunol. 2001 Oct 1;167(7):3903-9. 15: Xu H, Hodder AN, Yan H, Crewther PE, Anders RF, Good MF.J Immunol. 2000 Jul 1;165(1):389-96. 看一下徐教授自称的第一(这么专业的东西,不应该推给记者吧): 1: "一直致力于疟疾疫苗研究工作的徐沪济创造了许多来之不易的“第一”:在 国际上首次证实细胞免疫对疟疾感染起决定性作用,表明在研制疟疾疫苗的过程 中,必须获得能诱导细胞免疫的抗原才能真正完全保护;" 徐教授所在实验室的免疫学年报文章中有这样的描述: Investigators have known for more than 20 years that CD4+ T cells, independent of antibody, can limit parasite growth. Early studies using “μ-suppressed” mice (39), which have been repeated using mice genetically incapable of making B cells (40, 41), have shown that protective immunity can develop following infection in such mice.Furthermore, parasite-specific CD4+ T cells can adoptively transfer protection (42–44), and investigators have defined target antigens/epitopes for some protective CD4+ T cells (45, 46). 事实: 关于疟疾的细胞免疫已经有20多年了;如果没有B细胞,仍然有保护性免疫 反应存在,说明细胞免疫的重要作用;徐所在实验室的贡献是文献45,46(对应上述 文献6,8)(文献44属于该实验室但是无徐的名字):The purine salvage enzyme hypoxanthine guanine xanthine phosphoribosyl transferase is a major target antigen for cell-mediated immunity to malaria.和Identification of T cell epitopes on the 33-kDa fragment of Plasmodium yoelii merozoite surface protein 1 and their antibody-independent protective role in immunity to blood stage malaria.关于两个保护性候选抗原的描述. 2: "在国际上克隆鉴定了第一个细胞免疫的疟疾疫苗抗原,证实疟原虫的HGXPRT 抗原能诱导细胞介导的免疫保护,成为迄今世界上唯一被鉴定的能引起保护性细 胞免疫的抗原;" All malaria antigens currently under consideration as vaccine candidates have been chosen on the ability of specific antibodies to inhibit parasite growth. They are located on the merozoite surface (such as MSP1, above) or on the surface of pRBC. Although such antigens might also stimulate antibody-independent CMI, their ability to stimulate CMI was not considered in their selection as possible vaccine candidates. Because T cells recognize antigen only after processing, any parasite protein could theoretically be a target of protectiveCD4+ T cells. However,the only intracellular antigen identified as a possible target antigen is the enzyme hypoxanthine guanine xanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGXPRT), a purine salvage enzyme critical to parasite survival because the parasite cannot make purines de novo (45). HGXPRTis a relatively abundant antigen in the parasite. It is located in electrondense regions in merozoites and in vesicles in the red cell cytoplasm (67). Because of its location, it would be released into the serum at the time the infected red cell ruptures and might be expected to tolerize potentially reactive T cells (68). Although its sequence does differ from human HGPRT, it is not known whether malaria-exposed individuals contain HGXPRT-reactive T cells. 事实:已经有许多抗原能诱导细胞介导的免疫保护,这里的;HGXPRT是所谓的首次 的细胞内的这类抗原;该抗原能否引起人体内保护性,不知.这里所谓的the only intracellular antigen有争议,细胞器蛋白是属于哪一类?许多候选抗原属于这 一类;另外别人研究那些抗原引起的细胞免疫,不也是为了应用于的疫苗设计吗? 3,"在开展疟疾疫苗研究的同时,徐沪济也致力于疟疾免疫的机理研究,并在国 际上首次确定了疟疾细胞免疫学机制,为今后疫苗的设计指明了方向。" 这个牛有点太过了,免疫学机制复杂,细胞免疫机制复杂,疟疾免疫机制更复杂,好 家伙确定了疟疾细胞免疫学机制,拿几个诺贝尔? 即使是Michael Good也不敢说其中的一个第一. (XYS20050627) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.dyndns.info)◇◇