◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 一句关于朝鲜战争被断章取义并反复引用的话 作者:周方舟   关于朝鲜战争,在中国的报刊、杂志和各种史料上反复看到一句话,那就是 美国政府的高级官员,有的说是麦克阿瑟、有的说是美国国防部长、有的说是美 国侵略者等等最后不得不承认:朝鲜战争“是在错误的时间、错误的地点,发动 了一场错误的战争。”   事实上这是一句被严重地断章取义的话,原话的意思与这句被断章取义并被 反复引用的话的意思简直就是大相径庭。   原话是当时任美国参谋长联席会议主席Bradley在1951年5月15日国会听证会 上的说的一句话,原话为:   “Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world. Frankly, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.”   Bradley强烈指责联军最高司令麦克阿瑟企图把朝鲜战争扩大到中国境内的 计划,所以在国会听证会上作出以上证词。原话直译为:“红色中国不是一个寻 求统治世界的强大国家。坦率地讲,参谋长联席会议的意见是,这个战略将使我 们卷入一场在错误的地点、错误的时间和错误的敌人的战争。”   这个战略指的是麦克阿瑟企图把朝鲜战争扩大到中国境内的战略。显然,原 话的意思根本就不是指朝鲜战争“是在错误的时间、错误的地点,发动了一场错 误的战争。”   对此,“纽约时报”也有过专门的澄清。“纽约时报”的原文如下: WHAT GEN. BRADLEY SAID ABOUT KOREA Published: July 7, 1981 To the Editor: Several times lately I have seen Gen. Omar Bradley quoted as saying the Korean War was not our affair and we should have stayed out of it. E. J. Kahn Jr., who should know better, joins this chorus on his Op-Ed article June 28, writing that General Bradley said, ''the Korean business was 'the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy.' '' He didn't. What he said, on May 15, 1951, at the Senate hearings on President Truman's firing of General MacArthur, was, ''Enlargement of the war in Korea to include Red China ...'' -which MacArthur was willing to risk - ''would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy.'' Clearly there was a night-and-day difference between Bradley's limited war and the much vaster war which MacArthur projected. ROBERT SHERROD Washington, June 29, 1981 (XYS20060905) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇