◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 华中科技大学同济医院器官移植研究所陈忠华国外职位造假 作者:同济知情人 尊敬的方先生:   感谢你为揭露学术腐败净化学术环境提供了一个好的平台,并做了许多有益 的工作!非常感谢你所做的一切!   这里向你反映华中科技大学同济医院器官移植研究所陈忠华国外职位造假的 问题。   陈忠华,华中科技大学同济医院教授,中华医学会器官移植分会副主任委员, 2000年至2004年教育部长江学者,同济医院器官移植研究所原所长。陈在申报教 育部长江学者的材料中,声称自己是英国剑桥大学Addenbrooke医院外科部的高 级研究员(Senior Research Associate,SRA),并在华中科技大学同济医院器 官移植研究所网上也称自己是英国剑桥大学高级研究员(该网于2006年3月清华 大学刘辉事件披露后关闭),而据我们了解,陈在英国剑桥大学的职位只是高级 研究助理,仅仅作动物模型的工作。   陈利用假造的英国剑桥大学高级研究员,骗到了教育部长江学者,到了同济 医院配套给了他教授、博士生导师、所长等头衔,假的变成了真的,骗子成功了, 并且名和利双丰收,而华中科技大学同济医院器官移植研究所也从全国领先的器 官移植单位下滑到了目前的二三流水平,真是可惜!   陈作为一个成功的骗子如果能够在国内永远地骗下去,那还有公理吗!?因 此,恳求所有知道陈忠华内情的人能站出来,揭露其欺骗行为,让行骗者得到应 有的惩罚。 附:英国剑桥大学Addenbrooke医院J Andrew Bradley教授的来信 J Andrew Bradley Professor of Surgery and Head of Department Department of Surgery University of Cambridge To Professor SS Xia 0086-027-83611175 Institute of Organ Transplantation From Professor JA Bradley Date 18th June 2002 Dear Professor Xia: Thank you very much for your letter enquiring about Chen. I came to Cambridge as professor in 1997. At that time,Chen had recently completed PhD studies lasting three years in Cambridge University. His project concerned induction of tolerance in mouse heart transplant model. He did not hold any clinical position during the tenure of his PhD studies. Since I came to Cambridge, Chen, has not ,to best of my knowledge, participated in any clinical aspects of human organ transplantation. His work was instead, confined to laboratory studies in animals. He was funded from a company called Imutran to undertake work on Xenotransplantation and his position in Cambridge, until he left in the year 2000, was Senior Research Associate in the University Department of Surgery. At the time ,there were three senior research associates in the department, all of them laboratory scientists. Since Chen returned to China at the end of 2000 he has not held any position in the University of Cambridge or in Addenbrooke’s Hospital. I was aware that Chen was an author on a paper concerning kidney transplantation which was presented in Turkey. I assume that he submitted the abstract for this paper whilst he was still employed within the University of Cambridge, although I am not sure of the dates. I would not be happy if the implication of his name as an Associate of the University of Cambridge implied that the work presented was undertaken in Cambridge. However, I am not clear on the details of this presentation. I hope this information is of help to you. Please let me know if you need any further assistance. With best wishes Yours sincerely JA Bradley Box 202,Level E9 Addenbrooke’s Hospital Hills Road,Cambridge CB2 2QQ Telephone: 01223-336976 Fax: 01223-762523 E-mail: jab52@cam.ac.uk (XYS20060831) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇