◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 地质学界的一稿多投现象 方先生:您好!   一稿多投在中国学术界似乎不是什么特别的事情了。不同学科有不同的情况。 地质学由于存在大量描述性的东西,界定起来就更为困难。而先在国内发中文 (或有英文版)然后再在国外杂志上发表(或者反之)似乎已经成为能够被接受的做 法,虽然笔者不敢苟同。作为一个刚入门的研究生,大量的文献查阅使自己正慢 慢的对这些做法麻木起来,太常见了! 尽管国内地质学界很多领域已经和正在 慢慢地在国际上有一定影响,国内不少英文版(大多为中文的翻版)亦由国外出版 商代理出版,而且网上都能查询得到。这种情况下,国内国外这种重复的发表显 然不能再视为正常。 笔者最近在查阅文献时发现非常多例,现仅举1例,按照目 前笔者理解(当然这种判断和笔者的水平有关系)算是一稿5发的文章,4篇在国内 1篇在国外。 笔者欲借新语丝来立此作为警示国内地质学界和笔者一样的后辈。 也衷心希望我们的地质界水平能越来越好。 附: Shi YH, Wang QC, Lin W The characteristic of petrology, minerals chemistry and P-T conditions of eclogites from Taihu area in Dabie mountains, and its Tectonic significance. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA 22 (2): 414-432 FEB 2006 Abstract: Eclogites from Taihu area in Dabie Mountains can be identified into HP (high pressure) eclogites, HP-UHP (high/high-ultrahigh pressure) eclogites and UHP (ultrahigh pressure) elcogites, based on the result of geological mapping (1: 10000), and the investigation on the petrology, minerals chemistry and P-T conditions of these eclogites. From HP eclogites to UHP eclogites, the component of grossular and pyrope in garnet and Si4+ content of phengites rise gradually. Peak P-T conditions of eclogites also transform from 535 degrees C similar to 652 degrees C, 1.50 similar to 2.26GPa of HP eclogite, 625 degrees C similar to 777 degrees C, 2.41 similar to 3.04GPa of HP/UHP eclogite to 767 degrees C similar to 942 degrees C, 3.49 similar to 4.09GPa of UHP eclogites, and show a regional P-T gradient trend. Combine structure geometric characteristic in space and wall rocks of eclogites, application of Grt-Cpx thermometer and Grt-Cpx-Phe barometer, we define a 5 degrees C/km "geotherm" and two isopleth lines with T = 650 degrees C, P = 2.50GPa; T = 750 degrees C, P = 3.00GPa, and divided the South Dabie Terrain into three subzones: HP-Zone, HP-UHP-Zone and UHP-Zone, which imply the South Dabie Terrain is a consist terrain. According P-T paths of three types of eclogites in this Study and previous chronology, we discuss different Uplift rate of these eclogites tentatively, and guess that these eclogites can be shortened in the depth of 40 similar to 50km and scaled as a "whole terrain". Subsequently, this "whole terrain" ascends to the crust gently and forms the present distribution. Shi YH, Wang QC The peak metamorphic conditions of eclogites in the Taihu area of Dabie mountains and its implication for tectonics. ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA 20 (3): 609-620 MAY 2004 Abstract: The Taihu area in the Dabie Mountains had been identified as the conjugate area between the 'cold' and 'hot' eclogites, we have carried on geological mapping in the Tailm area of the Dabie Mountains, and investigated on petrography characterists, variance of mineral composition, K-D-value and the peak metamorphic P-T conditions of the eclogites in detail. This study has shown that the eclogites in Taihu area can be divided into three types from south to north: 1 Zhujiachong-type eclogite; 2 Daba-type eclogtie; 3 Jinheqiao-type eclogite. An obvious gap of the peak metamorphic P-T conditions appears between the Zhujiachong and Jinheqiao-types, with the average values of P-T conditions of the Zhujiachong-type eclogite being P = 2.14GPa and T = 563degreesC, and that of the Jinheqiao-type eclogite being P = 3.76GPa and T = 791degreesC. The Daba-type eclogties are distributed around quartz/coesite phase transition in P-T conditions, which, tectonically, is equal to high-ultrahigh pressure transition belt. The Zhujiachong and Daba-type eclogties correspond to the 'cold' and 'hot' eclogites separately. They show a good continuity in the respect of the peak metamorphic conditions and no obvious pressure gap. Hence, we consider that the boundary line of the 'cold' and 'hot' eclogites does not exist. Shi Yonghong  Wang Qingchen Peak metamorphic conditions of the high2ultrahigh pressure terrain in south Dabie mountains CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY 2004 39 (3) :375 -387 Abstract: For a long time , many geologists accepted the opinion that the high2ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrain in the south Dabie Mountains was composed of the“cold”and“hot”eclogites ; however ,some different arguments still exited about the relationship between the both. This study tried to reveal the geological architecture of the high-ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrain in the area of south Dabie Mountains in the light of peak metamorphic P-T conditions of the eclogites. The studied area was located at the Hualiangting reservoirs , Taihu County , where outcropped four types of rocks from the south to the north : the mica2schists , the biotite gneisses , the granitic gneisses and the epidote biotite plagioclase gneisses. The eclogites occurred as lens , blocks and/ or layers in the later   SHI Yong-hongWANG Qing-chen LIN Wei The peak P-T conditions of eclogites from Taihu area in southern Dabie and its tectonic implications Acta Petrologica Et Mineralogica 2006, 25, 127-136 On the basis of petrology,mineral composition and peak p-T conditions of the eclogites from Taihu area in southern Dabie terrain,the authors hold that southern Dabie Terrain is composed of three metamorphic zones,namely,the ultrahigh pressure zone,the high/ultrahigh pressure ‘mixed’zone,and the high pressure zone,with a regional p-T gradient trend.Five Grt-Cpx thermometers and Grt-Cpx-Phe barometers were used to evaluate the peak p-T conditions of these eclogites. Four p-T regions have been identified,and their … … Y. SHI and Q. WANG Variation in peak P?T conditions across the upper contact of the UHP terrane, Dabieshan, China: gradational or abrupt? Journal of Metamorphic Geology 24 (9), 803-822.doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2006.00670 Abstract:The Southern Dabieshan Terrane (SDT) has previously been divided into high-pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes, and its regional extent and the tectonic nature of its boundaries are hotly debated topics. In this study, an eclogite-bearing area of 100 km2 near Taihu is mapped in detail, and divided into Northern, Middle and Southern Zones on the basis of lithological characteristics. The Northern Zone consists of epidote-biotite gneiss and eclogite blocks, the Middle Zone includes granitic gneiss, biotite gneiss, eclogites and amphibolite, and the Southern Zone is composed mainly of garnet-bearing (XYS20061231) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇