◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 揭露山东大学最恶心的一稿两投 wang 方先生好:   近期查阅文献,发现山东大学化学化工学院老师——马希骋博士发表在国际 期刊“Materials Chemistry and Physics ”(97 (2006) 351–356)及 “Diamond & Related Materials”( 14 (2005) 68– 73)上的两篇文章98%的 研究内容,从摘要,文章讨论以及结论基本上一模一样,连图的顺序都基本一致, 可以说是最恶心的一稿两投。为什么说恶心呢?网上搜索,查明马博士是2003年 6月博士毕业的,但上面的文章分别是2004年2月9日和10日投出的,博士都毕业 了,正式成为大学老师了还干这样的勾当,明显是为了多发文章评定职称或者争 取科研项目用。   这两篇文章可以很容易的在www.sciencedirect.com网站找到。我把这两篇 文章的详细信息提供如下: 1. Formation of gold nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotubes by using an electroless plating method Xicheng Maa,b,*, Ning Lunc, Shulin Wenc aSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, PR China bShandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering, Jinan 250014, PR China cCharacterization and Analysis Center for Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, PR China 2. Synthesis of gold nano-catalysts supported on carbon nanotubes by using electroless plating technique Xicheng Maa,b,∗, Xia Li b, Ning Lunb, Shulin Wen b a School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, PR China b Characterization and Analysis Center for Materials, School of Material Science and Engineering,   其中共同作者中名气最大的要算温树林教授了,在山东大学网页上发现他还 是美国纽约科学院院士呢。居然还纵容一稿两投,实在恶心。【方舟子按:“纽 约科学院院士”是交了会费就能当上的】 http://www.cmse.sdu.edu.cn/articles/show.php?classid=szllhead&articleid=1085410093 另外我也给Materials Chemistry and Physics的主编发了信,这是他的回信: “Dear Dr. Wang: I feel sorry to hear such a misconduct. I am sending an email to the accused author for an explanation. The affiliated institute should also pay attention to such an occurence. Thanks for notifying me the evidence. Sincerely, Kwang-Lung Lin Editor Materials Chemistry and Physics” (XYS20070628) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇