◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys2.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇ 上海交通大学农生学院华修国教授,请别把自个吹成“NATURE期刊评论员”!   作者:华南一小子   本人不经意在上海交通大学的主页上看到一则另国人振奋的交大要闻,“农 生学院华修国教授被聘为Nature期刊评论员”。点击一看,哑然一笑。这个华教 授有些不地道,吹得过火了,这会有损上海交大百年声誉。只有一点可以确定, 即是“世界顶级学术期刊NATURE主编Philip Campbell博士来信邀请”。鉴于本 人也在受邀之列,因而知道华教授吹得大了。   首先,Philip Campbell博士写给华教授的邀请信,根本不是邀请他做 NATURE期刊评论员,而是Reader Advisory Panelists(翻译过来:读者顾问专 家小组成员)。该信说得很清楚,受邀的人分属来自全球不同关键读者领域的代 表(受邀也应该很荣幸,因为毕竟是少数),他们的主要工作是协助该出版物的 发展。其次,“这对提高团队整体学术水平,增进高水平国际学术交流将有极大 的促进作用”,这似乎吹高了。人家主编邀请你加入“Reader Advisory Panel”,与你的研究团队学术水平无关,更谈不上促进高水平国际学术交流了。   由于邀请信的截止日期为10月6日之前,本人还在犹豫要不要接受。看了上 海交通大学对华教授的吹捧,想一想,还是要沾一下华教授的光。我接受了,我 不就也是“NATURE期刊评论员”了吗。而且,还有免费的纸版与电子版Nature期 刊赠书(受骋期内)。   附一:上海交大主页新闻报道:农生学院华修国教授被聘为Nature期刊评论 员   [发布时间]:2008 年 09 月28 日 15:44   2008年9月25日,世界顶级学术期刊NATURE主编Philip Campbell博士来信通 知农业与生物学院华修国教授,聘请人兽共患病与比较医学团队学科带头人华修 国教授为NATURE期刊评论员,这对提高团队整体学术水平,增进高水平国际学术 交流将有极大的促进作用。   [作者]:农业与生物学院   附二:邀请信:   Dear ******,   As Editor-in-Chief of Nature I am contacting you to invite you to assist us in a programme of development of the publication. I and my colleagues would greatly value your views about Nature and the extent to which it may or may not serve your needs and interests, whether in print or online. We would also value your assessment of forthcoming developments of Nature. To that end, I’d be delighted if you would agree to serve on our reader panel.   This panel consists of individually selected representatives of key categories of readers, drawn from around the world. While certainly not onerous, the role that our reader panellists play is hugely important in shaping our publication and sustaining and developing our value to the research community and to others seriously interested in science and its impacts.   As part of this panel you will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of Nature though completing a number of online surveys over the course of a year. We know your time is valuable, and the surveys should take a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes per month to complete. Membership of the Nature reader panel is by invitation only and we ensure the highest standards of professional research and privacy in using the information that our panellists provide.   As a sign of our appreciation you or someone you nominate will receive a free print and online subscription to Nature for the duration of your term on the panel.   If you would like to participate in this way, please register here before 6th October 2008.   Yours sincerely,   Dr Philip Campbell   Nature Publishing Group (XYS20081002) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys2.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇