◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.dropin.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇ 华东师范大学张利权和吴健平教授被国际刊物认定剽窃国外学术论文 作者:博学武术   张利权:华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室 教授/博导   吴健平:华东师范大学地理信息科学重点实验室 副主任、教授/博导   他们等人2006年发表在国际学术期刊《Landscape and Urban Planning》69 卷第1期上的论文“A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China”被主编认定,大量剽窃了 Matthew Luck 和 Jianguo Wu合作发表于《Landscape Ecology》17 卷第4期(pp. 327–339, 2002)的论文“A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA”,并 撤稿。   主编采取这个行动的原因是因为该文的知识产权不属于以上作者。它应当归 属于原作者Matthew Luck 和 Jianguo Wu。   事件发生2年来,剽窃者不仅没有受到任何处罚,反而步步高升,不断地得 到重用。而且这篇撤稿文章居然至今还放在华东师大河口海岸研究院和资源环境 学院的论文清单上,与国际学术网站 (http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S016920460600260X; doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2006.11.002)上申明形成了鲜明的对照。   下面是国际学术期刊《Landscape and Urban Planning》在2007年发布的认 定剽窃并撤稿的声明: Retraction Notice Retraction Notice to “A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China” [Landscape Urban Plan. 69 (2004) 1–16] Liquan Zhang a, Jianping Wu b, Yu Zhen a and Jiong Shu b a State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China b Open Laboratory of Geographical Information Science of Chinese Education Ministry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China Available online 12 January 2007. Refers to: RETRACTED: A GIS-based gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern of Shanghai metropolitan area, China Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 69, Issue 1, 15 July 2004, Pages 1-16 Liquan Zhang, Jianping Wu, Yu Zhen and Jiong Shu Abstract | Abstract + References | PDF (587 K) This article has been retracted. Reason: This article substantially copies an article by Matthew Luck and Jianguo Wu, “A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA” published in Landscape Ecology 17 (4), pp. 327–339, 2002. The authors Zhang et al. have indicated in response that this does not amount to plagiarism because the article by Matthew Luck and Jianguo Wu was cited in their paper. In my view, the amount copied exceeds the usual purpose of citation (to refer to prior relevant work) and amounts to plagiarism. Jon Rodiek Editor-in-Chief Landscape and Urban Planning (XYS20080411) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.dropin.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇