【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ———————————————— 再评陈晓宁带回国的基因文库 原作:UC 翻译:方舟子 1.根据陈的论文,她用的人类BAC文库是由Kim和Shiyuha建造的(发表在PNAS和其 他期刊,见我以前的评论)。这个研究组在制作叠连群(contig)方面与其他研究 组有许多联系。她可能从这些原始作者或其他公司得到了这些克隆用于研究,并保 存在她所在的实验室。但是令人难以相信,没有原始作者的允许,她能够将这些克 隆进一步转让他人,或用来赚钱(很显然,将文库赠送中国的目的是为了赚钱)。 但是金力提供的信息说,这次转让是陈所在的医学中心批准的,这使我感到疑惑 (如果金说的是真话)。 2.陈在1993年被雇为博士后,不是实验员(至少形式上不是),但是我相信她是那 个实验室的技术方面的主要人手(方按:如果陈被雇为博士后,那就肯定是用她那 个“M.D.(Medicinae Doctor (L.) = Doctor of Medicine,医学博士。这个缩写 没有Medical Degree的意思。)”申请来的。有些人认为中国的医学学士相当于美 国的医学博士(我并不同意这种说法),即使如此,陈很可能没有得过医学学位。 她据报道1980年毕业于海军军医学院(可能即海军军医专科学校),而文革后第一 批医学学位在1983年才授予)。 3.没人怀疑她带回的BAC文库在某些领域有用途,但不是象她说的那么重要。我的 意见是,甚至连金力也指出,那个BAC文库的唯一价值,就是它用FISH(荧光素原 位杂交)进行了物理制图。那意味着已有这些克隆的某些信息,即它们被定位于染 色体的哪个位置。但是,对更专业的问题而言,这个文库的大多数克隆都没有定位 信息,被定位的仅仅是7000个克隆,它们能用于筛选新的cDNA(如果她有DNA库, 阳性克隆能用两次PCR鉴定出来,即用针对新cDNA的特定引物做两次PCR。但是大多 数新cDNA能够通过对基因组序列做简单的数据库检索就能很容易地归属)。另一个 重要的事实是,即便她将这7000个BAC克隆定位到了染色体条带/区域上,由于FISH 分辨率低,特别是对向BAC克隆这样的大探针更是如此,所以用FISH作的物理制图并 不是很有用的。你可以说这个BAC克隆在21q22,另一个克隆也在21q22,它们靠得 很近或很远,但是无法知道这两个克隆之间的距离以及哪部分或标记被二者都覆盖 了。一开始我以为这些BAC克隆是用STS制图法(即用STS和其他标记通过PCR决定) 做的物理制图。如果这些BAC克隆如金力所说的,只是用FISH制图,那么,做为 一名在血液学癌症研究领域对FISH在所有克隆类型和分子遗传学上的应用都有经验 的研究者,我可以确定无疑地说这个文库在医疗和研究方面都较少有价值。它们还 是随机的克隆,可能在某些研究中被用于鉴定断点(即,如果他们先用FISH发现某 个BAC克隆被染色体易位断裂,那么这个BAC克隆能够被二级克隆到小载体(噬菌体 或其他载体)中,然后筛选阳性克隆,找到断裂者并将之测序)。 1. According to Chen's papers, the human BACs she used were constructed by Kim and Shiyuha (published in PNAS and another journal, see my previous comments). The group has many cooperations with others in making-up contigs. She may get these clones from the original authors or other companies for research and keep them in the lab. But it is unbelievable she can further distribute these clones to others (without permission from the original authors) or use them for making money (obviously the aim of her movement (donating libraries to Beijing is for making money). But I am confused as Jin Li provided information that this transfering was approved by the Hospital/Univeristy (if Jin's statement is real) 2. Chen was employed as a postdoc in 1993, not a technician (at least officially) but I believe she served as an major person for technical aspects in that lab. 3.Nobody doubts the BACs she brought back are useful in some fields, but not so important as she said. Even as Jin Li pointed out, in my opinion, the only value of that BAC is that it is physical mapped by FISH. That means there is some information about these clones, i.e. where they are located. But, for more professional questions, the information about location is available only about for 7000 clones (most clones of the library have no location information) and they can been used only for screening for some new cDNA (if she has DNA pool, positive clones may be identified by two round PCR reaction,i.e. primary and second pool PCR with specific primers for the new CDNA, but most new cDNA can be easily assigned by simple database search of genomic sequences). Another important fact is that even she localized these 7000 BACs along chromosome bands/regions, the physical mapping by FSIH is not very useful because FISH has low resolution, specially with large probes,such as BAC clone. You say this BAC is at 21q22 and another clone is at 21q22, too but proximal or distal to that one, it's impossible to know how far these clones depart from each other and what portion or marker were overlapped by both. Initially I though the BACs were physically mapped by STS-mapping (i.e. determined by PCR with STS and other makers). If the BACs were mapped by only FISH, as Jin said (that means they are not contigeous), then, as a person experienced with FISH with all type clones and molecular geneitcs in hematological cancer field, I can definitively say this library has less value for clinical and research aim. They are still random clones and may be used only for identifying new breakpoints in some studies (i.e. if they first find one BAC is split by chromosome translocation using FISH, then this BAC can be subcloned into small vectors/clones (phages or others) and screen positive ones and test for split one and then sequence it). ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】