◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇ Comments on 国际热核聚变实验堆是实现人类可持续发展的理想洁净能源吗? Dear Dr. Fang It is interesting to read a recent posted article by 何祚庥 on 国际热核聚变实验堆是实现人类可持续发展的理想洁净能源吗? Although Dr. 何's calculation on the radioactive dosage of tritium is correct, It seems that he had exaggerated the potential hazardous of tritium. I don't think he provided a good picture to general public on ITER and nuclear power in general. Tritium has half lifetime of 12.3 year, and it is a beta-emitter (high-energy electron), with an average energy of 7.9 keV. Comparing with other heavey metal isotopes, tritium is generally considered much SAFER. This is because 1. 7.9 keV electron has very limited penetration depth in human tissue. There is no evidence to my knowledge that electron at this energy will pose harm to human organ. 2. tritium in gaseous form cannot be absorbed by human, tritium in water form only stay in human body for ~10 days and will be recyled together with other water out of human body by metalobalism. This is in a sharp contrast to other heavy metal isotopes, which will stay in human body for the rest of life span. 3. Further most of heavy metal isotopes produce Gamma radiation, which are far more dangerous at much much lower dosage. Because of these, tritium powered lighting devices are widely used in air plane, emergency exits, and military facilities. Tritium powered watch is astandard gear for every GI in US army. These information is based on my own practices and research on tritium and I feel sorry that I cannot write Chinese. Kevin Note: 1 Curie=3.7 x 10^10 nuclear decay events per second. It does not specify the decay products nor energy. (XYS20040329) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.freedns.us)◇◇