【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ————————————————      “方舟子剽窃铁证如山”的真相                ·方舟子 ·   最近,有多位国内网友来信反映,一篇题为“方舟子剽窃铁证如山”、署名 “离乡客”(即在美国北卡大学教堂山分校物理系从事研究的南京大学物理系凝 聚态物理专业理学博士赵纪军)的文章被张贴到国内各大论坛,试图达到败坏我 的名声的目的。这篇文章采用断章取义的汉英“对比”手法,诬蔑我发表在《南 方周末》上的一篇介绍国外最新科学成果的科学小品《科学地解决道德问题?》 剽窃美国《科学》杂志上的一篇论文(他是根据我在文章后注的原始论文出处找 到这篇论文的)。对这位骗子帮凶的诽谤,我以前已做过驳斥。网上骗子“昏教 授”在早些时候曾向《科学》诬告我剽窃。《科学》对此做了调查。有人向《科 学》编辑询问调查的结果。《科学》编辑在回信中指出(信的原文附后),虽然 我的这篇文章不符合美国新闻报道的标准,但是剽窃的指控是难以成立的,因为 我在文章中说明该项研究工作是由普林斯顿大学的研究者做的,并没有用第一人 称暗示研究工作是我做的,也没有照抄《科学》论文的语言(即我是用自己的语 言做的介绍)。   赵纪军的指控已构成了对我的恶意诽谤,在必要的时候我将追究其法律责任。 2001.11.3. 附:《科学》编辑的答复 Although I do not read or speak Chinese, I have had access to an English version of Fang's article, translated by an independent source. We believe that Fang's article would not be considered acceptable journalism in the United States. He did not give the names of the researchers who carried out the research or the journal in which it was published, nor did he include quotes from other scientists. All these aspects would be essential for a journalistic article in a US publication. However, a charge of plagiarism would be difficult to uphold since Fang did say the work was performed by researchers at Princeton University, and--unless the translation I have is wrong--he neither implied that the work was his own by witing in the first person nor directly copied the language in the Science paper. ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】