◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.dropin.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇ 徐荣祥是在做梦还是欺负读者看不懂英文? ·方舟子· 新浪博客不知是发什么神经还是有什么幕后交易,这20天来只要有徐荣祥自 吹自擂的广告文章出来,就都被做为独家新闻放在头条推荐,后面跟着一大堆千 篇一律的赞美。我不幸要去更新在新浪的博客,所以眼睛也就不能不受其污染。 这几天头条连续推荐的是“号外:日本人的新里程碑梦没了”,徐荣祥声称他的 声明让《自然》和《科学》杂志评出了2007年度十大科学进展,没有将日本的 iPS细胞(即日美科学家将体细胞转变成了干细胞)列入。新浪编辑推荐时给加 的标题是“中国科学家的声明让日本美梦破灭”,徐荣祥成了“中国科学家”的 代表了。我还以为徐荣祥另有《自然》、《科学》专门为他一个人出版的内部版 本,不料他在文后还附了《科学》原文的链接,原来和我看的是同一本《科学》。 任何懂英文的都可以点进去看看,《科学》评出的2007年科学突破第二条不就是 “两项新的研究(指日、美研究)显示通过病毒导入仅4个基因,如何能把人表 皮细胞重新编程为有多潜能细胞的表现”吗?在正文中《科学》还三次提到“日 本的研究者”、“同一个日本小组”、“日本团队”。《自然》更是把日美科学 家从人皮肤细胞制造出多潜能干细胞列为2007年第一条科学新闻。徐荣祥是自己 看不懂英文还是欺负中国读者看不懂?或者是自己做“新里程碑梦”做得太投入 了? 《科学》: A strong Breakthrough runner-up arrived at this year's finish line just in time. Two new studies, one published in Science, showed how adult human epithelial cells could be reprogrammed, through the virally mediated introduction of just four genes, to behave like pluripotent cells; that is, able to act as embryonic stem cells do, to produce every descendent cell type. This breakthrough has produced some relief, but it also comes with some reservations. James Thompson of the University of Wisconsin, who did the first research with embryonic stem cells, has now taken a major step toward ending the "ethical" controversy over their use. But hold on: That controversy was generated by specific objections from one religion, not some universal ethic. There is every reason to continue research along the old path, with embryo-derived cells: The new methods may carry unknown liabilities, so making the case for changing Bush's 2001 presidential order should continue. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/318/5858/1833 BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR: The Runners-Up The News Staff 2 REPROGRAMMING CELLS http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/318/5858/1844a 《自然》: Pluripotent stem cells created from human skin Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan and his colleagues and James Thomson at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and his co-workers separately managed to create pluripotent stem cells from human skin. Reported on the same day in November, the cells can differentiate into any tissue type, and raise hopes that regenerative medicine will be possible from cells other than human embryonic stem cells. http://www.nature.com/news/2007/071219/full/4501134a.html 附: 号外:日本人的新里程碑梦没了 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4fdcde6f01007yff.html 2007-12-21 08:55:35 在中国人强烈的声明下,《自然》和《科学》杂志今天评出了零七年度十大 科学进展,没有将日本的iPS细胞列入里程碑!是对《时代》杂志评出的里程碑 的突破以及广大的媒体的炒作给与了讽刺性的打击,对中国的洋奴给与了响亮的 耳光。但科学腐败仍然严重,仍需我们的继续努力! 之前媒体的炒作,称日美科学家将体细胞转变成了干细胞,现在两杂志没有 承认他们转变成了真正的干细胞,而是转变的是有危险的细胞。体细胞转变成干 细胞是我们中国人早已完成的科学研究,这是科学的历史!是任何人也改变不了 的事实! 另,今天早晨相关的中国媒体及时地将《科学》的消息翻译成了中文,但莫 名其妙的没有翻译完全,为了真实,下面链接《科学》的原文。 《科学》评出2007年十大进展 链接地址: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/318/5858/1833 (XYS20071223) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.dropin.org)(xys-reader.org)◇◇