◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇ 对《现代药物是怎么开发出来的》的一点更正 ·方舟子· “有时候,在临床试验过程中,一种药物被发现能够有效地治疗恶性疾病, 会提前中止临床试验而直接用于治疗病人。例如,第一种治疗艾滋病的新药AZT 的临床试验在只进行了106天之后,发现它能显著增加病人的存活率,美国食品 药品管理局立即提前中止了该临床试验,并在批准其上市之前允许它被用于治疗 4000多名艾滋病患者。” 有一个网友来函对文中介绍的AZT临床试验时间提出了怀疑。此处的确有误。 上文“第一种治疗艾滋病的新药AZT 的临床试验在只进行了106天之后”一句应 改为“第一种治疗艾滋病的新药AZT在还在做II期临床试验时”。 该例子依据的原文(见后)没有提到临床试验天数,在另一处有“Zidovudine was approved in 107 days”的说法,经仔细核对,天数(第107天,即106天后) 应该指的是批准时间,而非临床试验时间。之所以出现这个误读,是因为以前读 过颖河《认识药物》介绍的同一个例子提到临床试验只进行了106天,留下的印象 导致先入为主的误读。实际上整个临床试验进行了大约一年,到II期临床试验时 发现显著提高了艾滋病患者的存活率,即提前终止。 特此更正。 In any trial in which a possible effect on survival is being assessed, it’s important to monitor results as they emerge. That way, if a major effect is seen—positive or negative—the trial can be stopped. This happened in the first clinical study of the AIDS drug zidovudine (AZT), when a clear survival advantage for patients receiving zidovudine was seen well before the trial was scheduled to end. The trial was then ended early, and within a week FDA authorized a protocol allowing more than 4,000 patients to receive zidovudine before it was approved for marketing. ...These are examples of the ethical principle that if a lifesaving or life-extending treatment for a disease does exist, patients cannot be denied. (XYS20061216) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys.3322.org)(xys.xlogit.com)◇◇