◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇ 方舟子关于中国学术腐败演讲的英文纲要 2001年11月我在加州大学圣地亚哥分校做了题为《以“科学”和“爱国” 的名义——学术腐败在中国》的演讲,国外一家学术刊物的编辑听说后来函索 要有关的英文资料和演讲纲要。我根据其要求概要地写了一份。后来又有多名 美国大学的教授来索要,这些教授有的是搞中国研究的,有的是搞科学传播的, 有的则是从事生命科学研究,从其中国学生那里知道有这个演讲后感兴趣,但 又不懂或不大懂中文,看不了中文演讲稿。我也都把这份英文纲要转给他们。 直到前天,还有一名社会医学系的教授来要,使我想到还不如把这份英文纲要 公开。由于这份英文纲要实际上是一封回信,写得很随意,没有很好地组织, 里面大概也有些语法错误,不过意思应该还是表达得很清楚,不想改了。 The Corruption of Chinese Scientific Community by Shi-min Fang aka Fang Zhouzi Ph.D. in Biochemistry (smfang@yahoo.com) All of materials I have are in Chinese, except a _Science_ report about me (CHINA: Biochemist Wages Online War Against Ethical Lapses, Issue of 10 Aug 2001, p. 1039.). You might want to check it out to learn some background about me. It's generally a good report. But it only focuses one of many cases I have exposed, "Nucleic Acids nutrition" scheme. It also failed to mention that many Chinese biochemists (not just a professor) are involved in this scheme. After I exposed this scheme, they, hired by a manufacturer of "Nucleic Acids nutrition product", held a "conference" and a "hearing" to defend the "nutritional value" of Nucleic Acids. It's a shame of Chinese biochemistry. Because of this incident, Academician C.L. Tsou, the most respected Chinese biochemist and the outgoing president of Chinese Society of Biochemistry, recently proposed to ban any member of the Society to use the name of the Society to promote commercial products. This proposal was passed in the annual meeting of the Society. Prof. Tsou is one of my supporters. If you would like to contact Prof. Tsou, let me know. The title of my speech at UC-San Diego is _In the Name of "Science" and "Patriotism": the Corruption of Chinese Scientific Community_. (During this year I also gave similar speeches at Harvard University, University of Science and Technology of China, Xiamen University, the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science, and the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science. The speech at UC-San Diego was the last one). I use this title because the most striking feature of scientific misconducts in China is using "patriotism" as its mask. The industry of false health products is called "Chinese national industry", and several newspapers commented that my attack on health fraud is part of international conspiracy to destroy Chinese national industry, so American companies can occupy Chinese market. Those cheating scientists, particularly those returned from oversea, always paint themselves as patriots, and sometimes were hailed as national heroes and models of Chinese scientists. Since last year, we have investigated and exposed dozens of scientific corruptions happened in China. They can be divided into four categories: 1) Commercial schemes promoted as new scientific developments and involved scientists, for instance, health fraud and "nano-products". You can find many types of products in Chinese market claiming using nano-technology, such as "nano-washing machine", "nano-refrigerator", "nano-clothing", "nano-water", "nano-necktie", etc, supported by scientists. It is said that China is leading in the development of nano-technology and products in the world, and is entering the "nano-age". 2) fabricated academic identity and achievement. I can show three examples: a) YANG Chiming, a professor of Dept. of Chemistry at Nankai University, Tianjin, claims he was the director of Institute of Life Science and Health of UC-San Diego. UC-San Diego never has this institute. The record of San Diego County government shows that "Life Science and Health" is a fititious business name registered by YANG Chiming in 1998. b) Recently CCTV (Chinese central TV station) and several major Chinese newspapers reported the achievement of a medical officer, Dr. XUE Yi. The People's Liberation Army Daily praised he is a patriotic model soldier, and asked all PLA soilders should learn from him. Dr. Xue claimed that when he was studing in University of Zurich as a postdoc, he produced 6 papers in less than one year. His advisor, Dr.Bernhard Guggenheim, was so impressed by his extraordinary achievement that offered him to stay with a big salary (equal to about US $90k per year). Dr. Xue refused, said his homeland needs him, so he should return. Dr. Guggenheim was moved by his integrity and patriotism, and held a big party to send him back. However, when we checked Dr. Xue's publication record, we found he only published one paper which he was the 5th co-author. We contacted Dr. Guggenheim. Here is his reply: "Thank you for your information. The story told by Dr. Xue has been created from a sick mind. There is absolutely no truth in it. On the contrary, Dr. Xue was a very weak collaborator. His name appears on one publication (Wyss, C., F. E. Dewhirst, et al. 2001. "Treponema parvum sp. nov., a small, glucuronic or galacturonic acid-dependent oral spirochaete from lesions of human periodontitis and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis." International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51: 955-962) only. As Dr. Xue was not able to contribute to the laboratory, we did send him back to China to collect clinical samples. I believe that he did this job alright. This is the reason why he is a co-author of this one paper." c) Dr. CHEN Zhu, the academician and the Vice-President of Chinese Academy of Science, also made similar extraordinary claims many times during past several years, in fact, is more extraordinary than Dr. Xue. He claimed that in 1991, when he was on a short term (3 months) visit at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, he completed 3 papers. His advisor, Professor Waxman called Chen's three papers "the pride of our lab" and asked him to stay with big salary. He declined the offer because he loves his homeland and wanted to return. However, his publication record can not support his extraordinary claim. He was called by Chinese media as a most hopeful candidate for Nobel prize. 3) Plagiarism. Plagiarizing foreign papers is a common practice in China. We have exposed several cases. The most startling one is involved YANG Jingan, a professor and the director of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Hefei Industry University. Dr. Ronen Basri of Weizmann Institute, Israel, informed us that one of his papers was plagiarized by Prof. Yang. Our investigation found that Prof. Yang at least plagiarized five foreign papers, word by word, figure by figure. Three of them were copied and published in English (i.e., completely identical), and two were translated into Chinese. If you want to contact Dr. Basri, let me know. 4) Forging data. We have collected many lines of evidence to show that "the number one scientific achievement of China in 1997", the physical map of rice genome published by Prof. HONG Guofan group, contains serious errors, and is a fake and useless map. Prof. Hong was elected as an academician in 1997 because of this achievement. It has been discredited by international science community since as early as 1997. Recently we exposed this case, and Chen Zhu, the Vice-president of Chinese Academy of Science, lied to the media. He presented a non-existing evidence to cover it up. I think this is one of biggest scandals in Chinese science. Why is the corruption so widely spread in Chinese scientific community ? First of all, credential scientific and educational institutes in China are not independent organizations, but all are part of bureaucratic system. All of leaders in these institutes are government officials, even the academician is the government official: equal to Vice-Minister. Because the bureaucracy in China has been seriously corrupted, the corruption of scientific community is unavoidable. Secondly, capitalism has destroyed the conscience of Chinese science. The scientific spirit can still be found in those older and retired generation Chinese scientists (70s year-old or above, such as Prof. Tsou), but has largely lost in younger and active generation (40-50s or younger). The majority of active Chinese scientists, like the majority of contemporary Chinese society, are seeking power and profit without morality. Third, China does not have free press. Very few scientific misconduct can be independently investigated and exposed, while the government tries to cover it up. Even if there is an official investigation, the result is rarely reported to the public. Fourth, China does not have an official channel to report, investigate and punish the scientific misconducts. Therefore the cheaters don't have to worry they will someday be caught and punished. Very few scientific misconduct cases were exposed through official channel, and fewer the cheaters were punished. None of cheaters we exposed have received any punishment, except the frequent plagiarizaer, Prof. Yang Jingan, was recently expelled from Chinese Community Party. Although my personal crusade against the corruption of Chinese science has caused a lot of controvercies and has made impact in Chinese scientific community, I don't think the situation can be substantially changed without a more formal and organized watchdog. I believe China should set up a national organization to investigate scientific misconducts. But if this is a government office, it itself will probably also corrupt and won't function properly. If it is an unofficial organization consisted of respected older generation scientists, it will probably be considered as illegal in China, as well as won't have resource to support its activity. This is a paradox that is hard to solve. ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇